Author and Speaker
Pride and arrogance were embedded in my thoughts after my second marriage.
I was so determined to not really tell anyone how much I was suffering out of pride. I also had this attitude because I had divorced before and I didn’t feel I needed anyone to help me.
When I was hurt I felt as if I couldn’t show it.
Reality was I had taken two huge financial blows in a course of a few short years. If I needed something definitely this was the time that I needed it.
I remember, as a single mom, one day our company had a huge catered potluck. At the end of the potluck a member of our planning committee made the comment saying “I know this could probably help you, would you like to take these left overs for you and the kids”.
Now reality was yes this meal would have blessed us, however pride and arrogance caused me to say no and then the fall came as I stood there and watched food go into the trash that had never been opened.
There were selections of sandwiches wrapped perfectly with juices, fruits, drinks, and cookies. All of it would have definitely lasted us a couple days until my next payday.
I thought it was the worst thing that I could ever have seen, until I got home and my kids were hungry. That was truly the fall when I realized I passed up a blessing out of my own selfishness that impacted my kids.
I know there are some ladies out there just like I was so prideful and arrogant out of pain and brokenness.
Understand that you aren’t taking a hand out; you are receiving a blessing of resources you may not have imagined or been able to obtain yourself. While you are busy worrying about how to stretch $5 towards gas and food, you have been given food that will supply your need until your next paycheck.
If you are not working, then this blessing will carry you to the next one. Never be ashamed to feed yourself or your children as I was. Speak up and remember that pride and arrogance will cause unnecessary pain and suffering in your life.
After her second divorce, Charis decided that it was time to do something not only for herself but also for other women going through similar struggles.
As a survivor of divorce, Charis knows all about the lies and confusion that come with divorce. Though divorce does eventually end, the emotional scars and stress that come with a difficult divorce do not.
Charis is passionate about speaking the truth to women who are caught in the endless cycle of struggle after divorce and she encourages them to share their stories to help provide not only counseling for themselves but also support for others.
Charis does not limit her time to Draw for Women but also reaches out in other ways.
She is an accomplished and published author, having penned God Rarest Diamonds: A Proverbs Life after Divorce Devotional for women and Coming Soon- The 30 Day Life after Divorce Prayer Challenge for Women, which provides encouragement, support, and spiritual enlightenment to those who are struggling, helping readers bring peace to their life journeys. In addition to Draw for Women and writing,
Charis has a personal life that is as full as her professional life.
Charis is married to a wonderful man and is the mother of two talented and beautiful daughters.
Charis earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Technical Management with a concentration in Small Business and Entrepreneurship- Magna Cum Laude in Spring of 2016 and is currently pursuing her MBA.
When she is not working or studying, Charis loves to read, write, and travel. Charis is a dedicated individual who wants nothing more than to share her ideas, experiences, and knowledge to help other women who are struggling with divorce to become comfortable with themselves and with the state of their lives again.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/draw4women
Twitter: Charis Rooks @draw4women
Instagram: Draw4Women
[…] Then I looked at myself and said wow my life was just that an illusion. […]
[…] I created hopeless phrases to secure my sense of hopelessness. I would even speak this in the presence of my kids with comments […]
Hello Una,
Thank you for your kind words regarding my life journeys. You have ecouraged me in ways you do not know. I will continue to share my testimony in efforts to help women all over the world who have encounter divorce in any way that I can.
Peace and Blessings
Thank you for your openness and courage Charis – I was deeply moved by your very real story.
Thank you for your comment Una. Charis has very kindly shared very personal stories from her divorce experience which have had a great readership. We are currently in talks about arranging an interview.