
Divorce Quotes – Coping with Divorce

Here are some quotes that we hope will help you in coping with divorce. One that we haven’t included but remains a favourite with us here at TDM is from the incredible and formidable Maya Angelou: “Nothing works unless you do” When

Are you Considering Divorce?

I have gone through divorce twice; the first one was 20 years ago and the second 12 years ago. Truth is going through divorce is never an easy process however amicable. It will hurt greatly at some point during the process both

Christmas Parenting Plan Examples

Christmas is only but a few days away which means that some of you divorcing or separating parents have got your future parenting plans or co-parenting plans firmly in place. But if you don’t yet have your parenting plan in place and

The Thing about Divorce Lawyers all Over

Is it just me or are family lawyers becoming progressively aware of the real impact they have on separating parents and their children? I often say that family solicitors are the first emergency service when it comes to divorce and separation. Since

Coping with Divorce in 5 Simple Steps

Adele Theron is the founder of The Naked Divorce that has a 21 Day program on helping people in coping and dealing with divorce. Today she gives us tips on coping with divorce in 5 simple steps. Understanding that we are very

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