I often say that it’s ok for your children to see you upset when going through divorce and separation. It is important for them to know that you too are hurting because by knowing this and by showing your emotions, you are inadvertently giving
I cannot tell you how many of my adult friends went through some truly traumatic experiences as children which they never told their parents about until much later, if at all. Yet one thing almost every one of them has said at
Here are some of our usual Friday quotes. These are all from Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now and A New Earth – Awakening the Purpose in your Life. We, at TDM, felt that they would be quite appropriate in
Here are some Brené Brown quotes that we, at TDM, hope will help in coping with divorce and moving on from a broken relationship.
Ongoing friction and conflict between divorcing and/or separating parents is very common when going through divorce. Unfortunately what is common too, is the reaction or behaviour of some parents who choose to use their children to get to the other parent probably
The beauty of poetry is not just the words, rhythm and images evoked in one’s mind. What I love about it is the difference in interpretation from one person to another, the disparate emotions it stirs in people (or not at all)
What is Parental Alienation? Simply put, this is where a child consistently and persistently denigrates, insults or speaks disparagingly about or to one parent without justification due to various factors one of which is indoctrination, brainwashing and/or training by the other parent.
Divorce is simply not a license to destroy everything your ex stood for because if this is your stand, then you will inevitably being causing damage to your children too. There is so much information out there nowadays that you surely cannot
Rasheed Ogunlaru, who has previously been feature in thedivorcemagazine.co.uk is a life coach business coach motivational speaker and author of Soul Trader: Putting the Heart Back into your Business Rasheed helps people move forward in their life, in their career, their business
Loss – By Wendy Cope – The day he moved out was terrible — That evening she went through hell. His absence wasn’t a problem But the corkscrew had gone as well.
Someone once said, that you know you have moved on when you can laugh at some of the things that made you mad in the past. So we collected a bunch of divorce quotes which we think are (almost) funny for
I have worked with children and families for several years now. Lately, most of my clients have been parents going through divorce; some are concerned about their children’s change in behaviour while others have been court ordered to attend the Triple P