
Top 7 Quotes about Marriage

Here are our top 7 quotes about marriage!     Enjoy!     It’s always nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they’re not around -Unknown   Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while

Dr John Gottman on Predicting Divorce

There’s a fantastic book I’ve been reading by Dr John Gottman called The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work (even as a divorced mum, is never too late to read:-) I came across him and his work whilst reading a book by

Parental Alienation Syndrome – PAS

This is Adolf’s Story. Once again, I (Soila) am in touch with a desperate father, whose children have been taken away from him. If you’re the alienating parent, I would be so very interested in understanding why you have chosen this for

What Doesn’t Kill Us

When adversity strikes, people often feel that at least some part of them – be it their views of the world, their sense of themselves, their relationships – has been smashed.  Those who try to put their lives back together exactly as

What is the True Cost of Divorce?

If you’ve ever wondered what the true cost of divorce is and what it entails both on a personal level as well as on a  national level, then here’s an infographic by Sarah Scott that may help clear this up for you. Cost


Income and Divorce

Aviva’s Winter 2013 report explores the growing diversity among UK families fuelled by trends in cohabitation, separation/divorce and remarriage. Past relationships are teaching families valuable lessons about managing money yet Aviva’s latest Family Finances Report also paints a worrying picture of unprotected

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