Some Inspirational Words

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Co-Parenting – Are you the Toxic Parent?

Here’s an infographic showing toxic parent symptoms found in some co-parenting relationships soon after divorce and for a long time after. To read the full article go to Soila Sindiyo – Huffington Post   Soila is the founder of The Divorce Magazine and creator

Divorce Rates UK

Here are some divorce rates UK from the Office of National Statistics I thought you might find interesting. The information that’s not included in the infogram below includes: In England and Wales, the number of divorces increased by 0.5% in 2012 compared

Self-hate fast! A journey back to love

During the blues you begin to see yourself as Quasimodo’s uglier sister, who will never find love again and everywhere we turn there is a new diet, an exercise video or some fast to get us back into our favourite pair of


Why do People Cheat?

Why we Love, Why we Cheat “What is to love?”  asked Shakespeare. “Anthropologist Helen Fisher takes on a tricky topic – love – and explains its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its social importance. She closes with a warning about the potential

4 Top Tips on Single Parent Holidays

When it comes to going on holiday as a single parent and for the first time, it may feel quite different, daunting and unfamiliar. You may even find yourself looking over at other families and for a brief moment envying them for

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