Ok. If you’re reading this then chances are that you are angry with someone somewhere on this mother earth planet of ours more specifically, your ex. And maybe it’s not just your ex, there could be his/her family and friends too. I
Here’s an interview with the outspoken author Marie Abanga (My Unconventional Loves) where she speaks frankly about her marriage, adulteries and how she managed to leave her children behind as she escaped her marriage. Marie, herself an adult child of divorce, has so
After a divorce or separation, one important thing to consider is the impact on your family’s sleeping patterns. Getting a divorce with children may involve numerous hours of lost sleep. To mark National Bed Month 2015, we’re looking at how a relationship
In my previous article, I wrote about divorced fathers and their children. I put across some really important research that helps you know and understand just how vital your presence, as a father is, in your child’s life now and way into
Which divorce forms and where to get divorce papers from? We have so far looked at the importance of getting the financial order or financial agreement in place, how to get divorced and now we look at where to get divorce papers
Following on from Caroline Saunders’ previous interview on the importance of getting a financial order in place, this interview focuses on the necessary divorce papers that you will need as you go about filing for divorce. Caroline Saunders is a Family lawyer
What is a financial order? It’s part of the divorce procedure. A financial order or a clean break order as it’s otherwise known, regulates such aspects of the financial agreement as spousal maintenance or alimony, payment for a capital sum or a
When divorce happens, we go through a myriad of emotions and thoughts. One of the most common thoughts is the one to do with failure. Anna Pinkerton author of How to Smile Again – a fabulous new book on helping people in public
There are so many stories from adult children of divorce who remember their parents’ divorce like it was yesterday. Some talk about being let down over and over again by their fathers who would fail to turn up for scheduled visits. Others
In this two part interview, I speak with Nevine Bentley of Facilitate Family Mediation in Farnham, Surrey about life after divorce and if you can be friends with an ex. What is great about this interview is that Nevine who used to practice as
The ex-wife of a millionaire racehorse surgeon has been told by Lord Justice Pitchford to get a job as she has no right to be financially supported for life by her former husband – all whilst living mortgage free in a £450,000
Here are our 10 fab famous divorce quotes. Enjoy them and check out our Pinterest page too. There are more famous divorce quotes on there as well as those about children of divorce and inspirational quotes.