Parental Alienation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

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If you have ever wondered what the effects are on fathers who lose contact with their children after divorce or separation then listen to this 15 min recording of Louis De Bernieres’ conversation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on the one-to-one show on BBC radio 4 – 15 mins

I (Soila) have met parents who completely believe that their children are better off without the other parent.  Are you that parent?  It would be great to hear from you as it would to hear from parents who have lost contact with their children.

Unfortunately it’s a very common problem and sharing your views and stories might indeed help someone else who is living through parental alienation.

  • If you’re going through a divorce at the moment, you might want to listen particularly to the part on family mediation
  • You may also want to listen to this very informative interview with Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas on co-parenting and how to have a successful and workable co-parenting plan.
  • And finally read this blog on Children Need Both Parents.

“Yasmin divorced over twenty years ago, and – although happily re-married – often contemplates the fall-out of divorce, and the resulting emotional ripples which inevitably reach further than the separating couple. 

Last week Yasmin spoke to a grandmother who hasn’t seen her granddaughter for four years, and this week she speaks to the author Louis de Bernieres. He talks from the position he holds as patron of the charity Families Need Fathers, but also from the very personal point of view of a father of two children, who has now separated from their mother.”  Taken from BBC Radio 4

Families Need Fathers Charity

“Parental divorce or separation should not mean that children lose the love and care of one of their parents.

Families Need Fathers seeks to obtain, for the children, the best possible blend of both parents in the lives of children; enough for the children to realise that both parents are fully involved in their lives. Legally, parents should be of equal status.”  Taken from Families Need Fathers and you can find out more by clicking here –

About Soila

Soila is the founder of The Divorce Magazine and creator of the online course – Helping Children Cope with Divorce

She is known for taking away the pain of trauma and loss in children, adolescents and their families and is the creator of the 4.6 rated online course Parenting after Separation.

Soila holds an MSc in Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology from UCL (University College London), is an accredited Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) practitioner and a trained Family Mediator.

Soila is Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society.

You can contact her on 07850 85 60 66 or via email 

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