Top 10 Articles to Help Start the Divorce Process

top 10 articles to help start the divorce process.

If you’re currently considering filing for a divorce or are just at the start of the divorce process, here are some articles that we believe will help you along the way.

The Divorce Magazine has several accessible, informative and essential legal articles that will help start the divorce process and beyond.  The vast majority of our articles are authored by qualified divorce professionals who are always willing to speak with you should you have any questions.

The most common question we get is from those of you who have lost your original marriage certificate and are wondering how to get a divorce without a marriage certificate; here are two articles that may help:  Can I get Divorced Without my Lost Marriage Certificate UK? and Lost your Marriage Certificate?

Again, if you have any questions on how to start the divorce process without your marriage certificate, please do get in touch with the solicitors who have contributed the articles. We are sure they will be able to help you.

Here are links to Top 10 Articles to Help Start the Divorce Process:

  1. How the Divorce Process Works
  2. What are the Grounds for Divorce in the UK?
  3. How to get Divorced – The Divorce Papers
  4. What Is The Average Cost Of Divorce?
  5. Pension Sharing on Divorce
  6. What is a Financial Order and why you MUST get one
  7. Can I get an Online Divorce?
  8. Divorce Proceedings and Financial Applications Uncoupled
  9. Family Mediation Definition and What to Expect
  10. What you need to know about Collaborative Divorce 

It is often said that January is the “Divorce Season”, whether this is the case on not truly depends on whom you ask, but here is an article on “Six-step Formula to Surviving the ‘Divorce Season

The Divorce Magazine is all about helping couples going through divorce, as well as those going through separation, do so in the most amicable, cost effective way. We will therefore, never publish any article that we deem to be encouraging acrimony between couples or encouraging harmful behaviour during the divorce or separation process.

If you are stuck in any way and are unsure which way to turn, please do get in touch and we will try and direct you to the right person or people.  Or you could have a look through our The Divorce Magazine Directory.

All the Best!

Photo by Zoriana Stakhniv on Unsplash

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