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- Top of Page Banner Ad – 898 x 111 pixels
- Bottom of Page Banner Ad – 898 x 111 pixels
- Side Banner Ad – 180 x 988 pixels
Design & Style
Simple & clear: Your ad should be visually appealing and easy to understand. Avoid cluttering designs or overwhelming text. Elements you might want to consider are:
- A logo or company name
- A tagline
- A Call to Action (CTA)
- Contact information
We Do Not Accept
We want to maintain the quality of our site for our readers, so we do not accept:
- Ads that promote illegal or unethical practices.
- Ads containing inappropriate or explicit content.
- Hard-hitting political or religious ads.
- Misleading or false claims.
Contact Us
If you’re interested in advertising with The Divorce Magazine, please contact our team at We’ll be happy to discuss the best way to showcase your brand or service to our readers.