Divorce is a transition which means a change in many aspects of life. One of these areas is relationships, particularly with friendships. Divorce is a time to reevaluate these friendships to see if they are still beneficial or have run their course.
When one’s identity was wrapped around the ex, such as being a doctor’s wife, it is especially challenging to reinvent oneself post-divorce. Suddenly the role of being the social director for the office staff and charming sidekick at far flung medical conferences
Get out of your comfort zone and boost your self-confidence and fitness level. Challenge yourself to train and complete charity treks and cycling trips over Valentine’s Day. There are many possibilities such as going to the Rift Valley, Morocco, hiking the Inca Trail,
Facing your first Valentine’s Day during or post-divorce can be like pouring salt into an open wound or a “non-event” as many people disclosed. You may feel like holing up at home screaming at the world, or out and about as if
Self-medicating is an unhealthy way of dealing with acute stress and people shared how they survived divorce and beyond without hitting the bottle. Gardening is what got Aiden through a tough divorce situation, and is a wonderful way to center oneself by
Do not fall into the trap of self-medicating to alleviate the emotional pain of divorce. It does not eliminate the past; it just postpones it in a destructive way. it does not allow you to clearly and deeply process and release these
Forgiving your ex can seem like a daunting task that has no merit for you. So why do it? Webster’s Dictionary defines forgiving as “ceasing to feel resentment towards an offender”. Holding on to this resentment is a way to stay attached