Helping Adult Children of Divorce Cope with Divorce

Adult offspring are sometimes an overlooked group when it comes to divorce.  Support is given to youngsters with more people looking out for them, such as teachers and coaches. Although adult offspring may have encouraged unhappy parents to split – it is

New Year’s Eve Fun Post-Divorce

Divorce is particularly challenging during the holiday season. One is used to having a date for New Year’s Eve and now for the first time in several decades, one is alone. Take stock of your situation and decide if you want to

Cruising at Christmas Post-Divorce

One way to start new Christmas traditions is to get away from it all and wipe the slate clean after divorce. No more “this was what we did when we were still married last Christmas Eve.” One happily divorced woman who is

Nurturing Children after Divorce

Small gestures make a big difference to children with helping them adjust to divorce. The overwhelming response from kids of divorce was routines make life more enjoyable. Their world is drastically changing and now they are dealing with loss. Divorce itself changes

Top Holiday Destinations for Children Post-Divorce

These suggestions for great holidays after divorce are from a kid’s point of view. Shop around for holiday destinations for children with an affordable deal and have a fantastic adventure. Singapore is clean, easy to get around with a plethora of attractions

Divorce – Children Need Fathers

As a new year begins, many of us will be looking at the year ahead as a time of change. For many parents across the UK, this may also be a time of anxiety and stress; sadly, many family breakups tend to

Life After Divorce – A Divorce Story

At the tender age of 37 years old and having just ended my second marriage, I was asked to write an article for The Divorce Magazine and to talk about the struggles I have overcome.  Of course I was overjoyed. My first