This article addresses key questions on Non-Molestation Orders including how to obtain one and, depending upon the circumstances, how to have one removed. What is a Non-Molestation Order? A Non-Molestation Order is a type of injunction that victims of domestic abuse can
Filing for divorce is one of the most difficult life-changing decisions in a person’s lifetime and one which many spouses are understandably reticent to embark upon. Various studies over the years have shown that divorce rates peak at key periods such as
A private court hearing where separating couples hire a ‘Private Judge’ to accelerate the outcome of their financial settlements is becoming the way forward for more people undergoing divorce. The process, called Family Law Arbitration, can avoid a prolonged, expensive and a
The welcome announcement that divorcing couples can obtain a no-fault divorce from 6 April 2022 marks the most dramatic and far-reaching change in divorce laws in 50 years. No-fault divorce finally ends the bitter ‘blame game’, making it easier for people to manage
The reopening of foreign holidays from this month is causing divorced parents to worry that their ex will want to take their children abroad. The concerns are further heightened by the continuing global pandemic which places countries in a traffic light system
Taking tentative steps towards freedom following the lockdown’s first anniversary has re-enforced how challenging and stressful the last year has been for everyone. This includes the thousands of couples who moved in together during lockdown for practical and financial reasons – and
The prickly issue of how living with a new partner can affect divorce settlements can vary from case to case and have long-term repercussions on a former spouse. In divorce proceedings, all ex-spouses are required to be open and transparent about financial
On divorcing the process of financial disclosure – a full statement of your current earnings and assets – aims to protect you both. It also seeks to ensure that you each receive a fair settlement which may well include a division of
The third national lockdown – forced by a surge in the new variant of Covid-19 – will no doubt further increase logistical and practical challenges for parents who are divorced or separated. Estranged parents are understandably concerned about arrangements for seeing their
Following an unprecedented year, many estranged parents understandably have additional concerns and questions about the arrangements for their children during the festive period due to the Government’s Covid-19 restrictions. In what can in normal circumstances be a difficult and emotional time of
Good Divorce Week spans November 30 – December 4 and champions reducing conflict in relationship breakdowns and the damage – sometimes long lasting – it can cause to children. As a niche family law firm we promote alternative ways to achieve a
My concerns about heartbreaking cases – when life-changing decisions affecting vulnerable and often bewildered clients are made at remote hearings – have been re-enforced in a recent study. The Coronavirus Pandemic has understandably called for remote video and telephone hearings where vulnerable