I had the pleasure of interviewing Rachel Elnaugh, co-founder of http://www.source.tv/, this afternoon.
The first time I “met” Rachel was on Dragon’s Den where she was one of the Dragons in the first 2 series. I later found and read her book Business Nightmares which turned out to be a guide during my first years running my business.
Today Rachel continues in her work as an entrepreneur, author, speaker, fabulous business mentor and as mentioned earlier co-founder ofhttp://www.source.tv/
This interview was planned ages ago when she was in a relationship. However, by the time we got to the interview date this relationship was no longer…maybe.
What I had wanted to know from Rachel was how she has managed her life after divorce and one in progress and how or where she found the strength to trust in love again and embark on a new relationship.
What have these experiences taught her? How does she perceive her love/relationship journey? What advice does she have for others in the same or similar situation?
What next?