Functional Health Coach and Founder of feelglorious.com
Introducing our latest transcript blog featuring an enlightening interview with Jules Anderson, a distinguished Natural Health and Nutrition Consultant. In this insightful conversation, Jules shares invaluable wisdom on nurturing your mind and body not just during, but after a divorce.
Join us as we delve into practical strategies for protecting your mind and physical health during a turbulent period. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we explore the transformative power of taking care of yourself mentally and nutritionally.
Read on for the full transcript of our video, “Nurturing Your Mind and Body During & After Divorce.”
Today we have Jules. Welcome everybody to The Divorce Magazine it’s an online magazine that deals with all aspects of divorce and um, all the contributors that we have on The Divorce Magazine such as Jules are all professionals so we don’t have bloggers and um, people who just kind of know a little bit of something about something, we have professionals who contribute to The Divorce Magazine all the time except where somebody is writing um, an article about their own experience of divorce.
So today we have Jules, Jules Anderson, I used to be a client of Jules Anderson a few years ago and I still remember some of the things that you said to me in terms of nutrition and health. So I’ll tell you a little bit about Jules.
Jules has a degree um, a first class degree in Chemistry, a diploma in Anatomy and Physiology, she’s a trained Integrative Nutritionist and Functional Medicine and is a certified Metabolic Balance Practitioner. Jules specialises in midlife health and has a particular passion for enhancing energy, longevity, and health span, enabling people to live better, for longer. Her approach is a combination of cutting edge science and technologies as you can see from her um, qualifications they just all fall into place, as well as natural approaches and behavioural psychology, to create vibrant health and that actually lasts.
And um, yeah I just started off by saying that I still remember what and this was maybe in 20 I don’t know, 14 or something like that where you, I was your client and I still remember stuff that you said to me. So that actually lasts. Yes it does last. Jules founded Feel Glorious in 2011, and works internationally with individuals and businesses such as Schroders, Rathbones, Amazon, Shell Foundation, Uncommon, Green King, Telus Communication, and wework, and those are just some of them I know there others Jules we haven’t put on there.
She has been featured in health publications including Natural Health, Health & Wellbeing, and Time & Leisure magazines. She’s the creator of Thrive, which is a comprehensive health programme revitalising the health of exhausted professionals, you know who you are, we know, I know who I am, in that way exhausted professionals, to ease pain, reduce stress, renew energy, and transform performance and wellbeing. So welcome Jules so good to have you and thanks so much for being one of our interviewers on The Divorce Magazine. Oh it’s an absolute pleasure, so good to be speaking with you. Is there anything I’ve missed out on to mention Jules from your biography or? It’s all, I think that’s all the main elements there’s obviously lots more but um, that’s, that’s me in a nutshell. Okay and then in the end we’ll, we’ll give you a website and so people know where to find you yeah? Yeah.
What Should Somebody Going Through Divorce Keep in Mind in Terms of Nurturing and Wellbeing?
Okay so Jules here we are, Divorce Magazine, and we’re talking about nutrition and wellbeing when you’re going through divorce and I just wanted your take on this, what would you say to somebody who’s going through divorce because sometimes we reach out for the easiest, you know coping skills, or strategies. But what would you ask somebody or people who are going through divorce to keep in mind in terms of naturing and wellbeing?
Well one of the main issues I find is because divorce can be such a long drawn out process, and it can be really stressful there’s uncertainty, there’s navigating sort of, the legal system which for most people is really unfamiliar um, and that can be um, and then you’re trying to balance managing your, your children’s health and managing your own, you know self and juggling work and all the responsibilities you already have with this additional stressful process, prioritising your health and managing those stress levels, being aware of the toll that it’s taking on you.
Because, and I’ve so many of my clients are going through some kind of turbulent upheaval in their, in their private life, and it’s had knock on effects on their health, and often I’m seeing people at the tail end of that. So the one thing I’d always encourage people to look at, is actually really prioritising your health as you’re going through it, to help you manage it better, to help you make better decisions along the way because sometimes when you’re, it’s very common to reach for sugar, and comfort foods, and bottles of wine, and things that might, a little bit of short term relief. But what often happens is people end up relying on them too much and when the process has gone on for a long time, they become a coping mechanism that’s actually not really helping and often just exacerbating the problem because they have knock on effects on your mental health, on the quality of your sleep and actually exacerbating the stress that you’re already feeling.
So whilst I would never say to someone go full on, on a you know, embark on some new rigid um, restrictive regime in terms of health, nurturing your health in a more gentle way, through the whole process will mean that you don’t end up like some of my clients, falling off the waterfall um, at the end, rather than actually if you address it sooner, when you emerge from divorce, you’re emerging with some strength and some resilience still intact.
How Do I Know if I Need to Change the Way That I’m Managing? What Would My Body Tell Me?
Yeah so if, if I what, what would you because you’re talking about nurturing, you know and being aware of how, you know, how to cope, with the whole process and I’m just wondering how do I know if I need to change the way that I’m, I’m, I’m managing? What would, what would my body tell me? Is it that I wouldn’t be sleeping well? Would I be shouting at the children? Would I just be exhausted, brain fog? Are those the kind of signs that you know something needs to change, um, when you’re going through a, you know divorce or separation?
Yeah, those are all really typical even in term, in even without the, going through an official divorce process, even if you’re just having problems with your primary relationship, yeah, it those the, the impact of those um, extra emotional stresses, people will often find they’re not sleeping. We often find that we are more irritable, more snappy, more this is to do with our sort of our stress hormones interact with other hormones in our body, so the stress hormones interact with our metabolic hormones, so like, like our sort of insulin release, it affects our sugar levels and that can make you more, crabby and more and, and your energy erratic um, it affects the, the sort of neurotransmitters going on in your brain so it’ll affect how fulfilled and, and all those kind of endorphin levels get depleted because you’re, you’re burning up with, with too many stress hormones so it tips the balance of, all of those in your body.
So typically it’s mood uh, sleep, cravings are really common um, and you do seek and crave out sweet foods um, and you’ll look for, you’ll, people seek those out and I always, people say “oh how much is too much?” And, and “how do I know?” Well, if you actually just sit back, most people can, can judge themselves when a small glass of wine at the end of the day, or a little piece of chocolate as a treat um, is, is just that, just to take the edge off what can be a really stressful time.
Most people if they really thought about it and honest with themselves would know when it’s tipping into, I’m just relying on that now, it’s like I need chocolate, I need a drink. Rather than I’m just going to have that just as a, a nice little extra treat you know I’m gonna let myself have that. Yeah, okay.
What Happens to Our Body When We’re Going Through Stress?
Yeah and um, because one of the things that you know, we’ve talked a lot about here already is the stress. And I was actually just talking about stress with my daughters the other day, and saying that stress is, actually a thing, it’s not just you know what we so used to saying, I’m stressed, I’m stressed, I’m stressed, but stress in itself can actually be a thing that can be so detrimental to your health, right? And I was wondering if we can just touch on, you know the body’s response to stress what, what happens to the body when we’re going through stress? I just want people to know that it is actually a thing it’s, it’s not just a word!
Yeah, we, we have it we use it so much these days as if it is this kind of free flowing concept, yeah, people are always having so stressed but what happens is it’s a, it’s an evolutionary, biological response and a survival mechanism. So, as, as we evolved, we, and it’s designed in our bodies as a response to keep us safe. So if you think back um, back in you know thousands of years ago, we were having to escape from predators. So you know a tiger would appear, a tiger’s going to eat us, we have to, our body stimulates a response that gets us super alert and primes our muscles. So all, all the body’s attention is going into the systems in the body that are going to make us run like the clappers and get away from the tiger.
Um, and that’s meant to be a really short-term response. What it also does in turning on those body systems, for the alertness for the muscle strength, it’s turning off every other system in the body that it deems unnecessary. So, things like digestion. Things like reproduction, because the last thing, if you’re running away from a tiger, the last thing you’re going to do is stop to have a bagel um, you know you don’t, your body doesn’t need to be digesting food, yeah, it’s why a lot of people who are highly stressed have problems conceiving, because the body doesn’t deem, reproduction necessary when it’s in survival mode. So it will turn off and restrict all those processes that lead to healthy reproduction. It’s the same with sleep, the last thing your body needs is to be feeling sleepy when it needs to escape a predator you need to be super alert, so the body can go into, in, in short term it’s really valuable, but in long term most of us now aren’t suffering from short term um, survival threatening stresses, but we are suffering, from a drip feed of chronic, small stressors.
Whether it’s I’m late for a meeting and my child won’t put his shoes on um, or, you know someone’s cut me up when I’m trying to get out of my driveway, or all those small those small, everyday stresses, like I’m working to a deadline or I’m late for something, they’re al,l they will have the same response in the body, because the body isn’t differentiating between the type of stress, but what we’re getting is a is a drip feed of stress hormones into our system, when what we’re designed to do is have a huge um, a sort of massive influx of stress hormones, and then a very quick release of them, and then we can all we can relax afterwards.
Yeah, um, and what happens when we’ve got long-term drip feed of stress hormones um, it’s affecting, we’ve got complete hormone imbalance, but then also our body gets locked in this hypervigilant mode, which makes us anxious, it stops us sleeping, because stress hormones don’t want us to sleep. So if you’ve got too many stress hormones in your body, it’s why we’re wide awake in the middle of the night because, it’s a hormonal imbalance in our body due to stress.
Do you then just feel like um, because as you’re speaking even when you’re talking about the drip, you know, of stress I’m feeling it I’m thinking oh my gosh, yeah, that can be just there’s no moment of rest and maybe that’s when people start becoming um, snappy with their children, or during divorce processes if, as soon as you see a text message from your ex um, spouse you’re already like, and maybe they’re just sending a message saying “stuck in traffic” um, “running late will be there in 10.” And immediately you see that you’re already like oh my God it’s always late, she’s always late, you know and you’re already just, you know worked up even before anything has happened cause you have this stress just, running through your, your body.
If we think about trigger it’s because we’re super sensitive as the way we would be if we we’ve got up a tree, but we know the Tiger’s still there and it can climb! Relax, and the least sound, even just leaf snapping, is going to make your whole body jolt and that’s, that’s.
What Can Someone Do Nutritionally or Wellbeing Wise to Relieve Stress?
What would you suggest what would you suggest in terms of because, I know even working with, with some of the clients that I work with where there’s they’re very, very I would say stuck in this um, stress situation where you don’t understand what he’s doing, you don’t understand what she’s doing, you know even shifting from there, what would you suggest either nutritionally, wellbeing, that a person in that state, where they’re really stuck in an acrimonious divorce does for themselves?
You know one of the most healthy things that someone can do and, and the most almost instant, you can almost instantly access a different part of your nervous system, is and, it’s the technical term is kind of somatic exercises, or somatic awareness, which basically means your body, rather than your mind and it’s really interesting because even as we’re talking you were doing, you were actually doing this, and this is what I see in so many clients, we get we’re a very cerebral culture these days, and when you’re in the process of something like a divorce, we’re used to having to think our way through the process, because we’re so overwhelmed with new information, new situations and there’s so much going on in our heads, we add in this hypervigilance and, and there’s so much energy going on up here, that that becomes, we get stuck and it’s very difficult to think your way out of it. Yeah, and actually if you can access your, your body, our bodies have so much wisdom, again this is evolutionary biochemistry, not anything fluffy or, or woo woo or esoteric, but when we can access our, our body in a more visceral way, then it can take the energy out of our heads and back into our bodies.
So, anything from there’s so many different breathing techniques you can do, to get your breath, because we end up holding our breath, and that again is, is stopping a lot of processes in our body from going on, so just being aware of your breath and trying to kind of breathe into something. Uh techniques like yoga, anything that, or dancing, or walking outside in nature the real, the simple things that you read about all the time, the reason they make us feel good if they get us into our bodies. You can move around um, actually when you, if you watch an animal who’s run, or you know animals say dogs have been chasing each other in the park, or anything like that and they’ve expended a lot of energy a dog will shake, or an animal will shake, after a stressful situation. If you watch a nature program, and you know the deer have been running away from the, the you know the, the cheater or whoever’s chasing, them afterwards quite often these animals will shake themselves out, and that gets rid of a lot of the stress. Dissipates a lot of the stress hormones and the tension in the body.
So movement, any kind of movement to dissipate the tension um, you know which is why hot baths and showers can really help because we’re into our bodies and swimming um, things like that can really help, singing, things like singing really helped because, I did hear that actually from the vibration of the, yes, and this is to do with our, we’ve got something called the vagus nerve which is the, the, the nervous system that runs from our, we talk about our gut brain you know we have gut feelings, and we can get butterflies, we can get nervous tummy, and we’ve got this, communication that goes on between our guts and our brains, connected by something the vagus nerve, and things like singing really activate the vagus nerve, and what that does is it pulls us out of that fight or flight, which is all the release of hormones and chemicals that help us run away from Tigers, back into what’s sort of the it’s called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the rest, and digest, the peaceful the, you know the deer are all just grazing and having a great time and not, you know, with not care in the world um, and we need to be in that rest and digest mode for something like 90 – 95% of our day and we only need to be in that stress mode for about 5%. Um, and short bursts.
So anything yeah, movement, you know just moving, I remember I used, when I was going through my divorce and I didn’t even realise this but I used to love to dance in the kitchen, on my own like no one is watching to just like, you know dance put on my music and just dance, so I see why that can um, why I was doing it then um, so singing, also just using your voice um, also what else can, I love those and showers and you know, just something physiological that you’re, yeah. Things that help get you, into out, anything that gets you out of your head so for some people just going for a long walk, or going to the garden, or playing an instrument, or, you know there’s some, there’s certain things that people just you know, some people love going to all second-hand bookshops and just you know, mooting around those, anything that gets you into a, a sort of either that kind of what they call like a flow state where you lose track of time, but particularly where, you’re using your body.
You know people will go often, people will go for a run, I would never say to someone start running, or start going to the gym, or start doing an exercise regime, it’s like find the thing that you love, because the other thing about doing something that you love, is it stimulates another um, something called nitric oxide in the body which is very, good for your, sort of circulation it’s like a bit of a high it makes you feel good it’s a, it’s a sort of real feel good type molecule as well, as all the, it’s got some amazing benefits for things like cardiovascular health.
What Food Should You Avoid When Dealing With Stress or Going Through a Divorce?
What about um, food wise what to avoid when you’re going through divorce? We know sugar and alcohol, in plenty, you’re not saying don’t have any of it, but, what, what other foods can we avoid when we’re going through divorce and separation?
Those, those really are the, the main culprits. I always think when you’re in a situation like that where you’re struggling, that kind of combination of stress, sleep, and sugar, sort of three s’s, can become a real vicious cycle and the problem with sugar is the reason people do it, is because it gives you a burst of energy, which when people struggling through a divorce, any kind of little burst of energy to help get you through it, is helpful and that’s to do with the insulin release. But it also releases some endorphins, so you get a little bit of a high when you’ve had something nice and sweet um, but in the long term, it’s completely messing up that hormone balance, it’s also feeding your bad gut bacteria, and then it will lead to cravings and it’s the same with alcohol because you’ve got so much sugar in alcohol anyway, and it’s that same cycle.
Yeah, so I would always say and processed foods, any type of processed food, or low nutrient level, sort of junk foods, things with too many additives and artificial anything in them, yeah, it’s adding burden on your body and if it’s adding burden on your body system, that’s already over stressed, it’s almost like trying, you sort of got your scales there and you’ve tipped all these extra stresses on your body and then if you’re adding food that your body doesn’t recognise, it’s just tipping the scales even further into red because things like processed and junk foods or, you know highly sugared foods things lots of additives there, your body doesn’t know what to do with them. You don’t, not evolved to know what to do with a with a synthetic chemical, so our liver is frantically trying to detoxify it, our body can’t process it, often it’s storing things away in fat again to keep our body safe, it’s like well, almost you can shove it away in fat cells because toxins get stored in fat, so a lot of people find they gain weight, so there’s, there’s a lot of things that you can do to help you whilst again, I’m not about, as soon as you tell your body to stop something completely, all your brain will ever think about is that thing, if you say to someone don’t have any alcohol at all or don’t have any sugar, that’s the one thing that they just can’t stop thinking about.
So you’ve got to be able to let yourself be okay with having some, yeah, but there’s things that can stop you craving, because again, we talked about stress and sleep and they can they mess with your hormone balance and hormones that, that, that signal hunger and signal satisfaction get thrown out of balance as well, so, which is why you keep craving things, you can’t just have one glass of wine and you keep craving more, more, and more. It’s because your hormones have got knocked out of balance, yeah, and your I’m satisfied hormone isn’t working properly but if you start, rather than thinking about taking loads of stuff out, I always think if you put more things in, that help those hormones, help trigger satisfaction and trigger you know actually, do you know what, I don’t feel like I don’t feel hungry anymore, it’s going to reduce your need to eat in the first place.
I like that idea of um, instead of thinking what to take out, think about what to bring in that will then rebalance your hormones and, and, um your satisfaction you know, I guess hormones to tell you that you’ve had enough. I also like the fact that you’re not saying um, okay that’s it no more sugar, because sugar comes in so many things so I would spend my day looking, does this have sugar and already I’m stressed that I’m going through divorce, here comes my kid who’s screaming, I don’t have time to start looking and thinking does it have, go no I can’t have that, it’s more, you know slowly, and whatever works for you physically, you know in terms of, of enjoying it, it sounds so, so, naturing when you look at it like that it’s because we are people, we’re not little machines who can just switch on and off little things but this sounds so naturing and, and you know looked after, and looking after in the best way that we can at that moment, without being told you know that is x.
I always think the, the, the most successful approach in any kind of health approach, is one that you can maintain, because we don’t, you’re absolutely right we’re not creatures in a lab experiment, devoid of everything that’s going on around us, we’re real people, with messy lives often, with lots of stressors and lots of things we have to juggle, and then we’re all different.
We have individual circumstances, environments, we all have individual intolerances, and sugar and toxins and all of these things, and we have to be mindful of what suits us when we’re, when everything in life is going really well, is different to what’s going to suit us when we’re going through a quite a turbulent time emotionally, um, and practically and logistically you know, it’s not just an emotional issue divorce, you’ve got lots of extra responsibilities to deal with, there’s lots of anxiety over, finances, there’s lots of practical issues around gosh, so now I’m going to have to leave work at 5 to pick up kids because my partner’s not there and, and all of those things and take a massive toll and you have to take an individual approach, yeah, and do it in a way that brings all of those elements into play because it’s not as simple as, you know nutritionally, this is the ideal things that we should be eating, yeah, but we’re not one type of person, in one type of circumstance or just in a in a lab.
If you do small things on a daily basis it’s going to have far more effect than, trying to do big things in the short term because then you know, you can’t sustain them. If I, um, I mean one I, I need to say this because I, one of the things that has stuck with me since when we started working together, you know out of everything else, was um, remember how much I used to eat biscuits and I didn’t realise just how many biscuits I was eating in the day until we did the whole food check and um, nowadays I can just go for ages without even thinking about a biscuit. I can think to myself ‘oh yeah I’m going to get myself some custard creams’ and I have a couple and then I’m like, well that’s enough, you know you didn’t turn around and say that’s it Soila, no biscuits and look it, it lasted, and it’s worked, and it’s helped and amongst other things.
How Would You Start the Process if You Are Working With Someone Who is Going Through a Divorce?
But um, what I wanted to ask you Jules so you know you mentioned about your Thrive um, Programme, is that also for people going through divorce? Can it be for people going through divorce and separation? Is it for, and I ask this question knowing kind of like what the answer is it, is it for both male, female, them, any gender, sexuality, you know because talking about, okay let’s imagine that I’ve come to you, to you know, just for clarity.
I’ve come to you, I’m going through a divorce um, we’re going to court next week, I have got two you know, children at home and I’m really stressing I’m beginning to see my skin is changing, I’m putting on weight and I need help um, where would you start with me?
Well with, with the program I’ve got and yes, and in answer to your, excuse me, in answer to your first question, it is for anybody. I do tend to work more with people in midlife, in sort of 40s and 50s, because they tend to be coming to me more with a, a list of issues rather than just I’ve got a particular problem sorting out, but often it’s because they’re in the midst of some turbulent situation, either at work or in relationship is feeding into that so it’s something that would work regardless and actually I’m, I’m, actually even looking at having more specific um, elements of the programme, for people going through divorce because I’ve had such a lot of interest from uh, law firms in putting some provision together for their clients.
But even with the individual one, what we do is for all the clients, I mean with anyone I’ll take a, a full comprehensive uh, health history assessment and there’s a questionnaire so we had, we have an initial session that’s 90 minutes, so to understand every part of your health, and your life, and your situation, because any stressful situations are going to be a huge component of how we approach getting to the, getting out the other side. But then we’ll address, address throughout the, the program we’ll address the key what I, is call them the key pillars of health which is and we’ve talked about stress and sleep, we’ve talked about gut health, we’ve talked about hormones, we’ve talked about metabolism, um, and then also mindset and habits.
Because making for me, having those, creating small, daily and I’d almost rather call them rituals, than routines, or actions, daily actions because that almost implies something you have to make yourself do. Whereas if you can create it as a ritual, something that you can enjoy doing, you can then, so you’ll want to sustain it, and because we’re all really busy people, the last thing we want to do is you say spend our day weighing food, looking at food labels, double-checking everything and, feeling guilty, exactly, exactly because guilt is another way of stimulating stress hormones.
So, we’ll cover through on a one-to-one basis I would normally take people on for like a six month programme, and then we’ll look at each of those pillars um, individually but we’ll be focusing very much on what each individual person um, the individual needs because everyone’s got slightly different priorities in terms of health, you can look at actually which, which of these areas is the most important to tackle first and actually or, which of them actually is quite a simple one to tackle, because if, if we can get some quite quick results for people, then that’s always going to be beneficial, because if you’re getting some quick results and you start to feel better quickly, everything goes better, you’ll be able to better tackle the rest of the process, you’ll be more motivated um, so it works on, on all those levels they all cover those, those pillars.
Holistic, it’s quite holistic, it’s because it needs to be to gain the long-term success. Because there’s, it, there’s millions of people out there who will and show on their website here’s this amazing transformation this person’s had, here’s a before and an after, what they don’t show them, is that same person six months later, or a year later, when 95% of them and the research shows this time and time again, 95% of those great success stories, a year later have returned to back to where they were, or actually worse. So, me, yeah, having something people can sustain is. Sorry Jo, I’m just thinking what, what um, because what I’m hearing from your, your programme it’s not just the dos and the rituals but it’s also, for the person to understand, what actually happens to them at that moment and to link my nutrition, my well-being, to my whole self, it’s not just meat is bad for you, eggs are brilliant, bananas and mangoes, and, all that it’s actually yeah but why, what about them makes it important for me to have it now, and to not have too much of this. So I think un connecting the two, understanding and doing can help in the long-term plans that you, you have for your wellbeing pre, post, during divorce.
It’s really important to know because we’re it’s one thing to say things like meat is bad, banana’s good, but it varies a lot from person to person, and if somebody is not a meat eater, or is, lactose intolerant, or you know, there’s lots of there’s lots of small factors and nuances, the most important thing as, as you mentioned, is if you can understand your own body, your own preferences, and your own responses, and I know when we work together we did a lot in terms of writing stuff down and doing food diaries and doing little kind of various sort of experiments on, on to help you experience, how your body reacts, because it’s one thing reading something in a book or a magazine or seeing it on TV and understanding it intellectually, but when you experience it, and you write it down, that understanding in itself, yeah, um, really helps people, in terms of motivation, in terms of what action they take.
And I’ve, since we worked together because that must be like you say more than 10 years ago probably, yeah, um, I’ve introduced more, because there’s a lot of, of really great technology available now, so I’ve introduced some of that into the programess that I work with so that um, we can measure say your blood response to glucose um, and things like uh, there’s something called heart rate variability, which measures your individual response to stress, right, shows the impact that your day-to-day actions not only have on your stress and recovery. So again, looking at you’re almost seeing it on a chart of those bursts of energy versus recovery, like we’re supposed to do, and a lot of people are just showing that it’s all red bars so constant, constant stress and no recovery, and you can see really clearly the impact it has on your sleep quality.
So, even just, I find that people seeing something on a chart, helps reinforce, and then if you, you log it to what you do in a day, you can very quickly start to see that you know what a small glass of wine, if I have it by 7 o’clock, doesn’t really impact my sleep much but if I have a couple of glasses or I have them later in the evening, gosh it makes a big difference. I work late, I’m up on my computer and screen’s working late, does that have an impact on my sleep? Or what happens if I take a break at lunchtime or compared to when I power through because I’ve got a deadline? And when you can see it in a chart um, writing it down obviously as you know from working together, makes a difference, it does.
Days when you say, no I didn’t have any biscuits on yesterday, well actually I’m looking at your diary here Soila it says you had four! In the morning! You can forget, yes, but writing down is a, is really beneficial but the, the, the additional benefit you can get from using a bit of technology, often really, I will only ever use those if they stimulate action in people. They help understanding and they, they inspire action because other than that, I have a little bit of a love hate relationship devices because, a lot of people, they will, particularly when it comes to sleep, steps can be motivating, but a lot of the other metrics on there, and I find particularly with sleep, I’ve had several clients say to me you know “I can look at my sleep, I look at my sleep on my device, or my on my phone and I woke up and I felt fine and then I looked and my, my, my, Apple watch told me I’d had really rubbish sleep last night so then I felt bad” and you’re actually letting a device tell you how you should feel, and that is not something. But I think it can be used much more intelligently to help you understand your body, and take specific action.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no I, I, I, really like the, individual stance that you’re taking with your clients. It’s not, an umbrella you know that everybody should cut down on meat, everyone should have more chicken, it’s not that it’s actually looking at me, and what how I work, how I operate, what Soila has, doesn’t have, what works, what doesn’t work and not, you know putting the same thing to, onto Penny, who’s doing something different and you think that we should be doing the same thing. So I really like that whole idea and I know that it works because it lasted with me so, yeah, so I know, I know your work.
Um, Jules thank you so much, thank you so much for coming on today and speaking to us on The Divorce Magazine. Really, really helpful I, I um, I’ve come to learn how important nutrition is while you’re going through divorce and separation or any other life stresses, if anybody wanted to get in touch with you, how could they go about doing that? The best place to get in touch initially is just to go to my website, which is feelglorious.com, there’s lots of information on there, there’s, there’s also I’ve got a free quiz that you can do, it just takes a couple of minutes and actually it can help, pinpoint within those six pillars, where you could focus the most attention, I’m all about sort of the 80/20 rule, if 20% of your actions can give you 80% of the result, then focus on, focus on the areas that can get you the biggest result. So that quiz can really help, okay, um, and then all my contact details are on there you can find me on socials as Glorious Jules, and again there’s, there’s, there’s lots of resources I do, I do frequent talks and free webinars um, and there’s information about my programmes on there as well.
I do have a group programme that I launched um, a couple times a year, as well which still covers those pillars and allows for some personalisation within there, so it’s, whilst it’s a group one you still, it’s, you’re still able to personalise. How many people maximum in a group? I tend to keep it around 20 uh, 20 maximum, yeah, okay, again it’s nice for people to have some, some feel that they’re getting certain attention so we do Q&A’s, we do online, we do online sessions so you can get your individual questions asked as well. Okay, Jules thank you so much, it’s been such a pleasure having you um, there’s so much, I had questions but then I thought to myself we can’t be doing all of that right now, you’re going to have another time um, so thank you so much, and um, thanks for coming on The Divorce Magazine. Oh, always a pleasure!
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About Jules Anderson BSc (Hons:1st). Dip (ITEC). CHHC
Jules has a first class degree in Chemistry, a diploma in anatomy & physiology, is trained in integrative nutrition and functional medicine and is a certified Metabolic Balance® practitioner. She specialises in midlife health and has a particular passion for enhancing energy, longevity and healthspan, enabling people to live better for longer.
Her approach is a combination of cutting edge science & technologies, natural approaches and behavioural psychology – to create vibrant health that actually lasts.
Jules founded Feel Glorious in 2011 and works internationally with individuals and businesses, including Schroders, Rathbones, Amazon, Shell Foundation, Telus Communications and WeWork. She has been featured in health publications including Natural Health, Health & Wellbeing and Time & Leisure magazines.
She is the creator of Thrive – a comprehensive health programme revitalising the health of exhausted professionals – to ease pain, reduce stress, renew energy and transform performance and wellbeing.