When Divorce Happens – New Life New Beginning

when divorce happens
James Brown
James Brown – Founder and Creator Divorce The Talk Show

Divorce is that one word that everyone knows what it means and what it stands for, but I didn’t  imagine that it would come knocking at my door.

About (5) years ago, there stood “Mr. D” at my front door where I was both clueless and never dreamed I would be associated with that word; divorce.

It was like a nuclear bomb that came crashing down upon me and shattered my life into small pieces never to be seen again. The sleeping giant of confusion and disbelief was awaked in my heart and soul, coupled with the fact, the world as I knew it was no more!

You never think about divorce and what it is like before you go through one.

Television and movies make it appear as if once you’re divorce, it is like finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Except there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and for certain there is no rainbow.

That’s right, finding that road to another great and/or even a good relationship will be paved with many potholes along the way. 

The issues of divorce will continue to taunt you for a long time.  Like many, after my divorce I assumed that once again, I would experience the joys of being single. This life of Playboy’s Hugh Heffner would unfold and disperse with all the unpleasant residue that divorce left behind. That proposed “Playboy” life was a mirage.

Trust me, I gave it the old college try, but endless nights of fun, drinking and great care-free sex would evaporate by the morning. And in the morning like most divorcees, I was left with the (4) “D’s”, depression, despair, distress and doubt.

Well by now, my friends, you are getting the picture. Divorce is not fun and/or funny.

husband cheatedThere is not a quick fix to bring positive existence to the likes of financial ruin, and the (4) “D’s” mentioned earlier. It will follow you to your next relationship/s and in most cases; it will strike a disastrous blow to your self-worth.  It is not easy being a divorcee.

Divorce is a blistering journey of self-awareness and if you don’t pay attention, the divorce “boogie man” will get you and consume anything left of you and your spirit.  The process of divorce is one of those things that you can’t imagine when, where and how it will end. But it will as you stumble and fumble your way toward a new beginning.

Nearly 2 million Americans get divorce every year, thus the “divorce boogie-man” is very busy.

Coupled with similar numbers in other places around the globe, the divorce boogie-man is working overtime and hiring! Although, I continued to struggle to find out what did I do, why did she take our marriage down this road to divorce, I like many, have tossed around blame like pennies at an arcade game.

Through all the darkness and ability to keep the “4 D’s” in the closet most days, I have been blessed and inspired to start a new beginning. A new beginning that is filled with a new found joy and hope, which has served as the fuel for me to use my expertise and creatively as never before, www.divorcethetalkshow.com.

Do connect with us, join the movement as we figure out together how to overcome divorce and start a new beginning!

James, grew up in San Francisco, and has lived in Salt Lake City, for over 25 plus, and is a second time divorcee with 4 children. 

With his diverse background in television, both in front and behind the camera, Mr. Brown is the driving force behind the highly innovative production of Divorce The Talk Show; A New Beginning, a multi-platform production which is led by new media engagement using digital, mobile as well as the legacy media (television) platform to reach a growing number of people who have gone through a radical change in life via divorce.

Mr. Brown has a background that makes him unique and perfect to support effort to make change in divorce. He has been at the center of development in corporate recruiting programs including Discover Card which focused on youth and minorities; developed diverse training seminars for corporations; created programs that provided scholarships for deserving, disadvan­taged students as well as building one of the finest film and television production studios (Salt Lake Studios) in the western U.S.A.

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