Relationship Coach
This is the 3rd part in our series on How to Get a Date in 28 Days.
In this interview Shelley Whitehead, certified life and relationship coach, talks about Living the Dream – Power, Passion and Purpose.
Part 1 – Clearing your Space, Mind and Body
Part 2 – Removing Obstacles to Love
Here’s what she had to say on Living the Dream – Power, Passion and Purpose:
What makes a woman most attractive to a man?
We know that men are visual so we need to take care of ourselves but always first for ourselves before we do it for anyone else.
But what really makes a woman attractive? I’ve broken that down into four qualities:
- She’s confident. Just as we love confident men, men find women who are confident about themselves, about what she is doing in life, about her feelings and her thoughts attractive. She portrays a genuine confidence about where she’s going and what she loves. Men love confident women.
- She’s authentic. This is about being very honest and genuine about what you think and what you feel without needing to compromise what you value. It’s that fearless self expression without the desire to say or be anything purely to impress anybody or anyone. It’s about being true to your own personality despite external pressures to conform to what the magazines, movies and media portray. There’s just no room for lying when it comes to being authentic. The more authentic you are the less fake you feel.
- She’s vulnerable. That vulnerable intimate self, makes a woman very attractive. By being vulnerable I don’t mean being a victim or that you’re coming from a place of weakness. Vulnerable is open to expressing what you feel, what makes you happy, joyful, what you love to do, it’s your passion. It’s about the sadnesses, perhaps you had a dog that passed away and that really affected you, it’s about just speaking from you heart. Men connect to women emotionally, that’s what throws a man back in and wants to be with you. It’s not about what you accomplish, what you do, who you are, it’s the emotional connection that he builds to you.
- She loves her life! She’s not looking to be rescued from a life that is dismal and that doesn’t work for her. Her life works for her. She loves it! It’s full because she’s learned how to enhance her life and embrace her life. She doesn’t need rescuing from her life by a prince charming and be taken into another life. That’s very often the mistake women make; they’re looking for someone to rescue them from the ho humness of a life that isn’t working for them.
There’s no one who’s ever going to complete you. Two halves don’t make a whole. Two halves make two halves!
Listen, learn and enjoy the rest of this absolutely informative interview with Shelley.
If you haven’t listened to Part 1 and 2 you can do so here – removing-obstacles-to-love and here- removing-obstacles-to-love
Shelley is a Relationship Coach to Women ready to embrace a Second Chance at Finding Love. She works with individuals and groups of Divorced & Bereaved women, and those who have been disappointed in love – shelleyjwhitehead.com