Professor in the Department of Communication at UCSB.
What is great about this video is that Tamara D. Afifi truly looks at the impact of divorce on children and in particular on the adolescents and young adults.
She covers a wide range of areas and answers those FAQs such as:
- Should we stay together for the sake of the children?
- What impact does divorce have on children?
- What are the short and long term effects?
- Is there a difference between children of divorce and non in later in life?
- Does divorce really matter or is there something more that affects the children?
- What role does parental conflict play in the life and development of children?
- Apart from the psychological impact, how else are children affected?
- How to co-parent with a partner who perpetually creates conflict
Thanks for sharing this.
Most Welcome Marie. Like I often say, it’s not so much the divorce or separation that matters, it’s how it’s handled. If handled “badly” this process can very well end up being the primary trauma. See here – http://helpingchildrencope.co.uk/co-parenting-children-first/