
How to be Happy Alone

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We speak with Rebecca Norrington – the Happiness Specialist.

Coping with divorce or dealing with divorce can be hard but it can be done and you can be happy again.  So many of us are constantly in pursuit of happiness and Rebecca shares with us in these three videos how we can achieve happiness again.

The founder of The Divorce Magazine, Soila and Rebecca share some of their own personal experiences of divorce, anger and shame.

  • How do we deal with a conflictual ex-partner, friends and family? (Video 1)
  • How do we deal with anger? (Video 1 and 2)
  • Do I keep playing the blame game with all that happens around me? (Video 2)
  • What about forgiveness?  How to Forgive and How to Forgive Yourself (video 3)
  • How does self-awareness help you when in pursuit of happiness?
  • How to be Happy Alone
  • How to be happy always

Divorce and failure go together and throw in shame too and it can be hard to cope and move on from that broken relationship. Unsuccessful marriages are common but you don’t have to carry it with you forever.

Having inspiring thoughts that uplift can help. Negative thoughts hold you back and keep you low. Acceptance is the key. It has happened and that’s just how it is.

How to be Happy Alone

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