Editor at The Divorce Magazine
Director at Fair Result
Many of you know I was the founder of a progressive family law practice Fair Result with my business partner Christopher Sweetman.
The practice is not apologetic that we are a challenger brand but in the past 4 years we have become a major practice in England, with unique partnerships including the Professional Footballers Association and winning countless awards, both in the UK and Internationally.
Whist a number of our clients could be seen to be ‘wealthy’, by no means all of them – indeed 75% of them are not in this category.
We have a wide spread profile of clients, representing the whole of society and we will often take on a client who has no money to fight their divorce in terms of fees. This is exactly the reason we set up the practice.
As a non-lawyer, it never ceases to amaze me how ruthless lawyers are when it comes to their fees. I was brought up to focus on my clients and the returns would ultimately follow, not think of myself first and that customers are way down the line of those we should be focussed on.
In the past four years, I have witnessed opposing clients dropped by lawyers because they can’t see a future income stream, that client engagements are paused because lawyers don’t have visibility of their fees over the next few months and a total destain for client’s emotions and challenges.
Don’t get me wrong, we need to be paid for what we do. We aren’t a charity, but there does come a point at which clients should be respected for what they are ‘those that pay the wages and the overheads’.
We set up Fair-Result to do exactly that, client first! We do have challenges with clients paying but this is always at the end of a process, and we share the risk in that as the process progresses.
There is never a week goes by in our business where we receive a call from someone that we spoke to over 2 years ago. A call which starts in the normal way. ‘Hi, its… remember me’ followed by our response that is ‘Yes, how are things’. The same line always follows – the fact that frankly nothing has progressed in the previous two years, they have spent some money, but not a lot and are now in a place where they simply don’t know what to do, and their legal advisors are not offering much in the way of solutions.
Nothing surprises us anymore.
However, in the past three weeks alone, we have received at least five calls such as this, one with £m’s in the marital pot, another with a not inconsiderable number of rental properties and a third instance where the wife (our potential client) is starved of cash and assets, despite there being considerable funds to distribute, in the form of Public Sector pensions, a marital home and some limited investments.
During my own divorce, I used to call my former wife ‘penny wise and pound foolish’. She would argue about the pennies but forget about the substance of the whole pot we were arguing about and spend endless thousands with her lawyers arguing about where I had taken the latest EasyJet flight too.
So, what is the purpose of this article? Quite simply it is to present a position that when undergoing a divorce, you are balancing up three key things:
- Your emotions
- The cost
- The reward or result in terms of financials and in many cases the impact on the children.
So, if you are arguing about £50,000 or £5m the principle is the same.
You have to invest to get the result you want, or you will one of those people calling us up after two years having got nowhere.
But I hear you say, I don’t have the cash? To fight them.
Well, that is where Fair Result comes in. The ONLY fixed fee financial divorce settlement business in the UK. And guess what, you pay nothing until the financial agreement has been signed by both parties, whether it takes us 2 months or 2 years to finalise.
We share the risk with you, our aim is to minimise the emotional stress but above all it is to get you exactly what you are entitled too.
So, stop plodding on for two years, when you know you won’t get anywhere, spending £500 here and there when that is all you can afford, getting more and more wound up about your spouse’s behaviour and spending habits.
Get it closed off, sorted out and you too can move on both emotionally and financially.
As we get older, we begin to realise that life is short, the years clock off quicker than you want them too. Why spend 2 years getting nowhere when you can contact the Fair Result team, and it will cost you nothing until your divorce is sorted – absolutely nothing.
Contact Peter at peter@fair-result.co.uk 24/7 and you will be guaranteed of a response within 30 minutes. A fixed fee, set from the outset and nothing to pay until your divorce is settled.
If you can get a better offer than this contact us and we will do your divorce for absolutely nothing, irrespective of its complexity – GUARANTEED!
Read more articles by Peter Marples.
About Peter Marples
Peter Marples – Director of Fair Result and qualified accountant, with the determination to change the way divorce is transacted. For further advice on financial settlements and navigating divorce, use the contact details below:
- Give the team a call – 07500933818 or 0333 577 7009
- Complete an enquiry form