Director at
Family Law in Partnership
We would like to introduce you to the Divorce Diaries website , a support network for anyone going through a family breakdown.
Divorce Diaries is a website with real life accounts of divorce and separation from people who have undergone the breakdown of a relationship, and the truthful accounts of their experiences during the process.
In essence, it brings together advice and insights on divorce and separation from those who have been through it.
In my work as a family lawyer, I see almost daily the uncertainty and isolation that family breakdown can cause.
Our aim in collecting together these divorce stories was to provide a community of former clients providing support to current clients. But we have made the Divorce Diaries freely available to all so that everyone can benefit from the wisdom and experiences of others.
I hope that visitors to the Divorce Diaries website will realise that they’re not alone in facing the challenging issues associated with a relationship breakdown.
The website has collected together over 30 divorce diaries, all from former clients of Family Law in Partnership who, under fictitious names, have shared their stories of separation in the hope of providing support for others who find themselves in a similarly difficult and distressing situation.
Each entry is laid out under sub-headings posed as questions, all answered by each contributor with their own unique insight into separation and divorce.
The site features various family types and many differing circumstances: from men with teenage/adult children, to women with no children, and several other options in between.
Each entry is tagged with keywords which link to related stories and ‘viewpoints’, so the reader is able to gain insight into lots of other peoples’ experiences without feeling as though they are prying; the open and honest nature of each entry encourages empathy and support between the reader and the author whilst maintaining anonymity.
The website includes top tips from our contributors for getting through the divorce and separation process and a list of websites where further help and support can be found. You can also download the collection of divorce diaries in an E-book format to read and refer to at a later stage.
Take a look at the Divorce Diaries website here: www.divorcediaries.co.uk
About James Pirrie
James Pirrie is a director at Family Law in Partnership, a boutique London-based family law firm which brings together lawyers, mediators & therapists.
James is credited with introducing collaborative law to the UK and with changing how children’s needs are addressed during family breakdown through the Parenting after Parting initiative.