This is the first of a list of questions that we have for Ann Corrigan of Clarity Family Law.
There will be more to follow so keep a good look out.
If you would like a question answered then do contact us and we will get it answered for you.
I’m just about to start divorce proceedings and would really like to avoid going to court to resolve the financial issues. What would you advise?
If it’s at all possible to avoid going to court, you should because it will save you money and time and make the process a lot friendlier.
You have 3 options: Mediation, collaborative law and negotiation between solicitors.
The mediation and collaborative law options mean you are in control and set the pace. The key decisions about your future are made by you – meaning you reduce conflict from day one.
Mediation: A mediator will work impartially with you both and give you enough information so that you understand your options and can work together towards an agreed solution concerning your property, possessions, children and money.
Collaborative Law: Specialist collaborative lawyers sign an agreement (with you both) which disqualifies them from representing you in court if the process breaks down. Face to face meetings where you are each supported by your collaborative lawyer means that there is a collective incentive to reach an agreement.
About Ann Corrigan
Ann Corrigan is founder of Clarity Family Law, a specialist family law firm in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, offering discreet, expert advice on all aspects of divorce, including the division of high value assets, children disputes and issues surrounding unmarried families.
Follow Ann on Twitter – @ClarityFamily