Divorce Advice for Men and Women

Women and Divorce
Wendi Schuller
Author of
The Global Guide to Divorce

When it comes to divorce advice for men, Talking Stick in Surrey is a men’s group through MeetUp.com. They meet for support and camaraderie, but are not a therapy group.

Men facing divorce and other life challenges are able to vent and learn from others. Do an online search for men’s’ groups in your locale.

MeetUp.com has a variety of divorce and singe parenting groups in London alone.

‘London’s Calling’ is about “Managing Midlife Turbulence.” while ‘Divorce Support London‘ “shares legal tips, gives emotional support, has talks and workshops from top barristers and solicitors who will explain divorce, law and therapists who will advise on coping strategies.

What if your spouse moved out and you require more pounds now to maintain the house?

There are online sites for renting out your garage or driveway. You can rent a room to a commuter for three or four nights a week.

The part-time tenant is gone over the weekend so you can enjoy more quiet and privacy then. This rent-a-room is tax-free for the first £4250 earned.

Homestay.com is a travel site that connects people who have an ensuite room to travellers. They stay a short time and you provide tips on local sightseeing and attractions. It is an interesting way to meet others from different cultures or from a few cities away. The hosts and paying guests communicate beforehand to ensure compatibility.

If one has to find new digs in a hurry, it may not be feasible to take a pet and RSPCA can arrange for a foster home. On RSPCA’s website, put in your postal code to find the one nearest to you.

“PetRetreat is our advice and pet fostering service for families facing domestic abuse.” RSPCA recognizes that a person may stay in an abusive relationship because they do not want to flee without the pet. They can also be an alley in helping your pet through this transition.

What if you need a long-term housing solution and most of your funds are going for legal fees?

Sharedlivesplus.org.uk is a charity that will match up care givers to elderly people or disabled who need a live in companion which means the elderly person can stay in his/her own home.

divorce advice for men www.thedivorcemagazine.co.uk
Talking Stick in Surrey is a men’s group.

The companion might cook dinner and watch the telly for a bit and just be there as security for the homeowner.

Then the companion’s housing is no or low cost, depending upon if they give care, or are rather more of a housemate.

If you come home and your partner changed the locks and your possessions are out in front – what do you do?

Contact Maypole Women which is a charity that supports “women before, during and after separation and divorce.”

This non-profit organization has helpful links to various resources, including free legal aid. They also support “a child’s need for continuing relationships with both parents…”

This can be one stop shopping for professionals and groups who can assist with this transition. Maypole Women can even help one devise an exit plan before separating, so all your ducks are in a row.

It is easy to feel paralyzed like a deer in the headlights, when first facing separation and divorce. Knowing that immediate help and support are available can take the edge off one’s shock.

Talking to others who had already trod this path made it bearable for me.



Wendi Schuller is a nurse, hypnotherapist and is certified in Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP).

Her most recent book is The Global Guide to Divorce and she has over 200 published articles.

She is a guest on radio programs in the US and UK. Her website is globalguidetodivorce.com.


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