
Dealing with Divorce in 3 Steps – Looking After Yourself


Looking After YourselfIn this interview with Sandie Martel of Be OK Therapy, the UK’s Alternative Divorce Guide Suzy Miller interviews her about the third of 3 key pieces of advice, taken from Sandie’s personal story to help you cope with your divorce in the best possible manner.

Looking After Yourself

“The last piece of advice I would like to give in this series of three articles, is that you learn to love yourself and to take care of yourself”

“I know we lead such busy lives, going to work, running our own businesses, looking after the kids, the home, the car, making sure everything is in order…

What about you?

What do you actually do for yourself?

Do you take time just for you (without feeling guilty!)?

OK you might watch TV once in a while to relieve the stress in the evening, but do you actually spend time with yourself at all? Take time to listen to your own desires, learn to know yourself, deal with your own issues?

It is important that you do so regularly and rather early on during the divorce process.

Because divorce will drain you physically and emotionally and you need to be able to deal with anything that comes your way, taking time to look after yourself is critical.

I was glad I had all the tools I needed to BeOK when receiving my Decree Absolute, first because it is an important step, but also because the official divorce date was stated as 14th February.

What a great date for a divorce!


Help yourself to help your kids and claim your life back.”

Suzy Miller is the creator of Divorce in a Box and Divorce First Aid Kit, The Alternative Divorce Guide 

Follow Suzy Miller on Twitter and Facebook

Follow Sandie Martel on Twitter and Facebook

Check out Part 1 and Part two of Dealing with Divorce in 3 Steps.





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