Dealing with Divorce in 3 Steps – Change Lawyers

dealing with divorce - change lawyers

SuzyMillerBW-WebDo I need to change lawyers?

In this interview with Sandie Martel of Be OK Therapy, the UK’s Alternative Divorce Guide Suzy Miller interviews her about the second of 3 key pieces of advice, taken from Sandie’s personal story to help you cope with your divorce in the best possible manner.

Change Lawyers If You Need To

Change lawyers if the one you hired does not meet your expectations.

I know it can be costly but it could cost you so much more if you do not follow your guts on that. If the person you choose does not correspond to who you are and wants to influence you in a direction you did not want to take – then change!

You might even consider going for Mediation if you believe this is what is more suitable for you, since Mediation allows you to take more control of the divorce process, reduce conflict and save money.

You are going to have to meet or speak to this person for a few months at least, so make sure you get on well and he or she does what you expect them to do.

I was OK and felt very confident when I first started the process and met my lawyer in London for the first time on a Friday. I left the meeting in tears and spent the most horrible weekend (without my kids) in bed, crying.

This person was very vindicative and bitter and it did not work well with me. I know this person wanted the best for me financially, but I did not want my divorce to become a battleground.

I had no intention of ruining my ex-husband’s life, neither my kids’, nor mine.

After the weekend, I decided to search for another lawyer, someone who really listened to my needs and worked with me, without pushing me in any direction.

I was given advice, and I sometimes followed and other times I chose not to do as I was told.  It was my divorce – my choice. And I did not feel forced to do anything against my will.

Isn’t that how it should be for everyone?”

Look out for part 3 of Dealing with Divorce tomorrow!

Suzy Miller is the creator of The Alternative Divorce Guide 

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Follow Sandie Martel on Twitter

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