Author of
The Global Guide to Divorce
Going on dates can be intimidating for the introvert. It is easier to stay at home and watch romantic films than go meet potential dating partners.
Fear can stop people. Fear of getting tongue tied or sounding stupid can keep individuals from venturing out of their flat.
There are ways to have dates and be in one’s comfort zone.
Think about going out in a group.
You can laugh and have fun without the pressure of carrying on a conversation solo. Members of the group all contribute comments. There is less of a feeling of being judged, when in a group setting, as opposed to only being the two of you. If you hit it off with someone, a private conversation is still an option.
If a person seems interested in you, it is less nerve-wracking to issue an invitation to a group activity. Say, “A bunch of us are going to the Greek Festival on Saturday. The food and music will be great – want to join us?”
Go where there is a community table.
I do this in several coffee shops and have talked to interesting people. One coffee shop is open late with led lighting which changes colour. It has DJ training classes which ensures edgy music and a lively vibe. I write in this place and encounter creative types like me.
Spend time with outgoing friends.
They will talk to others and draw people to your group. You can meet the individuals who come over for a chat. A potential date may be on the shy side too, and find talking to you in your group a bit less of a chance for rejection. Various podcasts give tips on how to meet people when by yourself or in a group.
Practice making connections.
Talk to people who are not potential dates – grannies, kids, a parent. This is like training wheels when learning how to ride a bike. Practice engaging others in conversation – the person behind you in the queue at the cashiers. I talk to people during the long wait at the post office. It makes the time pass quickly and the parting winks are nice.
Engage in conversation to those around you.
It will lead into talking to those who could be interesting to date. You are not targeting them specifically, when you talk to everyone. I chatted to people in a queue for a festival. One of them asked me out and we got engaged ten months later. One never knows.
Introverts can give off the wrong non-verbal message that they are not interested.
An introvert may turn away or avoid eye contact even though they are hearing wedding bells in their head. This is a deterrent for the other individual to pursue any more contact with the introvert. Force yourself to maintain eye contact. Turn towards the potential date. If you freeze and your brain cannot form a sentence, at least smile and nod. Anything to show interest and prevent them from misunderstanding your feelings and walking away.
Connecting with those you are interested in as a date, is a skill.
One does not learn how to play the violin overnight, so do not expect to be dazzling the first few times you attempt to meet people to date. Consider making friends with a variety of people. By doing this, an organic relationship can develop into a lifelong partnership.
Wendi Schuller is a nurse, hypnotherapist, dating coach and is certified in Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP).
Her most recent book is The Global Guide to Divorce and she has over 200 published articles.
She is a guest on radio programs in the US and UK and a weekly podcast datingcoach.coach . Her website is globalguidetodivorce.com.