Do not fall into the trap of self-medicating to alleviate the emotional pain of divorce. It does not eliminate the past; it just postpones it in a destructive way. it does not allow you to clearly and deeply process and release these
After the tsunami of stress and paperwork subsides and the air clears the new divorcee can feel like they are clinging to a wreckage of their lives. It is not unusual to feel a visceral sensation of grief for the loss of
Forgiving your ex can seem like a daunting task that has no merit for you. So why do it? Webster’s Dictionary defines forgiving as “ceasing to feel resentment towards an offender”. Holding on to this resentment is a way to stay attached
Many of us have stress in our lives whether it is with relationships, difficult work experiences or just the pace of life in general using London as an example. We are so used to trying to juggle work, relationships, children etc, etc