
Why do People Cheat?

Why we Love, Why we Cheat “What is to love?”  asked Shakespeare. “Anthropologist Helen Fisher takes on a tricky topic – love – and explains its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its social importance. She closes with a warning about the potential

Divorce, Lack of Confidence and You.

Are you lacking in a lack of confidence? Fabulous interview with a great woman! I was really pleased to get the chance to interview author, coach and confidence expert Annie Ashdown. There’s so much to be said about gaining your confidence back but how much

How to Survive a Divorce using EFT

In this interview with EFT expert Susan Cowe Miller, she explains to Alternative Divorce Guide Suzy Miller, how EFT Tapping can help with divorce stress; one of life’s big emotional challenges. How to Survive a Divorce using EFT Divorce Stress is one of life’s big emotional

Abusive Relationship Stories

Uploaded on youtube in 12 Jun 2009, the video below is about Nina and Zoe stories describing their experiences of domestic abuse or domestic violence as it used to be referred to.   It’s about how they found the strength to support to leave