Love and infidelity

Why you should listen to Helen Fisher’s talk on Love and Infidelity. Helen Fisher’s courageous investigations of romantic love — its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its vital importance to human society — are informing and transforming the way we understand ourselves.


Top 7 Quotes about Marriage

Here are our top 7 quotes about marriage!     Enjoy!     It’s always nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they’re not around -Unknown   Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while

Dr John Gottman on Predicting Divorce

There’s a fantastic book I’ve been reading by Dr John Gottman called The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work (even as a divorced mum, is never too late to read:-) I came across him and his work whilst reading a book by

Domestic Abuse – Dealing with Shame

You’ve found yourself in a relationship with a partner who began to physically and emotionally hurt you. Four things I can guarantee you: 1)     It is not your fault 2)    You could not and cannot help the person who did this to

Early Signs of Mental Abuse and others

At the beginning of any relationship there is the usual fervour and excitement. This is no different in a relationship where domestic abusers reside.  The early signs are very subtle and our best chance of being free from abusive behaviour is to

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