Emotional Abuse in Relationships

Do you often feel let down or undermined by your partner? Like they’re deliberately trying to wind you up or push your buttons? Do you find yourself lashing out? Shouting? Swearing at them? Treating them in ways you never could have imagined

5 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

Narcissists can be charming people who are the centre of attention. The spotlight shines on them and it can be enticing to be their date. They crave admiration for their overinflated egos. Something may seem a bit off, but then one thinks,”

Criminalisation of Controlling Behaviour

At the end of 2015, new legislation came into force introducing a new offence for ‘controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship’. This is a hugely important step, that will help clarify what constitutes domestic abuse, making it easier