If you’re just embarking on your divorce journey, here’s a quote that may mean absolutely nothing to you right now but we, at The Divorce Magazine, would like to let you know that the pain does indeed end. There maybe a lot
If you have never heard of Brené Brown the we urge you to find her, read her, listen to her and see why these are our 5 favourite quotes. It was hard, very tough, excruciatingly difficult to make the choice of which quote
Here are some of our usual Friday quotes. These are all from Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now and A New Earth – Awakening the Purpose in your Life. We, at TDM, felt that they would be quite appropriate in
Here are some Brené Brown quotes that we, at TDM, hope will help in coping with divorce and moving on from a broken relationship.
Someone once said, that you know you have moved on when you can laugh at some of the things that made you mad in the past. So we collected a bunch of divorce quotes which we think are (almost) funny for
Here are a few quotes for you in whatever stage you are in your divorce process. Just at the beginning, in the middle of the separation or divorce process or maybe it’s all done and your are at that stage of learning
We recently posted some interviews that looked at the end (or completion as Vena Ramphal would say it) or a marriage. On The Divorce Magazine we have a lot of information, help or motivational words to help those who have been left.
Here at The Divorce Magazine thought gathering some great stepmom quotes would be a good idea. Having said that there are a couple that are stepparenting quotes as opposed to stepmom quotes only. Do you have some that you think we should know
Here are our 10 fab famous divorce quotes. Enjoy them and check out our Pinterest page too. There are more famous divorce quotes on there as well as those about children of divorce and inspirational quotes.
Still think that laughter is the best medicine even when going through a damn divorce! You cannot beat a smile or a belly laugh in making you forget, even for a second, what you’re going through. It truly helps in coping with
Sometimes help, strength and courage can come from just a few words. Here are 2 quotable quotes that we hope will help you cope with whatever’s going on right now.
For more life quotes, inspirational quotes or motivational words click here – www.thedivorcemagazine.co.uk/quotes