
You Left me Quotes

We recently posted some interviews that looked at the end (or completion as Vena Ramphal would say it) or a marriage. On The Divorce Magazine we have a lot of information, help or motivational words to help those who have been left.

New Year’s Eve Fun Post-Divorce

Divorce is particularly challenging during the holiday season. One is used to having a date for New Year’s Eve and now for the first time in several decades, one is alone. Take stock of your situation and decide if you want to


As a relationship coach I help singles who are at different stages of their journey.  Many of my clients come to me at the end of a relationship, when they are stuck in the desperate “why has this happened to me” cycle.

Starting Over Again Post Divorce

Divorce provides the opportunity to reinvent yourself. This could be a new career path or change in scenery as in a move across country. It is how one looks at divorce as either the world stops – or gently nudges a person

Dealing with Outsiders during Divorce

Divorce would be much easier if it were just between the couple and their solicitors or mediator. “Helpful” people sometimes want to be in the midst of things and stir the pot. This would be similar to football teams such as Arsenal’s

Coping with Change

Every change, big or small, has some impact. Arm yourself with this eight-point guide. No matter how safe, secure, predictable and stable your life is, you will still have to cope with change at points along the way. Change is a normal

Dating After Divorce – Why do Opposites Attract?

Sometimes dating one’s opposite adds spice to a relationship or in other cases, tears it apart. The trick is knowing when someone is quirky vs. not the right match at all. Lust or the heady feeling of being in love can blind

Feeling Stuck in Divorce

We can go cruising through divorce and all of a sudden hit a speed bump and become stuck. This can come as a surprise when everything seemed to be going quite well. We do not move at an even pace on the

Leave Guilt Behind in Divorce

We may live in guilt for what we did or did not do while still married. We might think we could have tried harder to salvage the marriage or feel guilt over not putting it out of its misery earlier. Let the

Men Dealing with Divorce

Several men stated that post-divorce is the opportunity for change and be can be the catalyst for trying something new. They said when their divorced friends clung to the past they did not fare as well in the post-divorce period.  The past

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