
Back to Work – What is a Freelancer?

Being self-employed is a decision that isn’t taken lightly by most people. The legal structure you choose to operate your business with should be taken just as seriously as the initial decision to go self-employed. This is because the legal structure impacts

Being Friends with your Ex – Is it Possible?

Often after a breakup there’s considerable hurt and disappointment to process as well as the many practical considerations that require attention. Some people say they feel a failure; they never envisaged that their relationship would end in divorce. They may feel partly

Divorce and Having to go back to Work

The days of getting maintenance for life are over. High wealth spouses may get a large settlement, but it is rare to receive spousal support for decades. If you have been a stay-at-home parent – your solicitor may insist upon you finding

Words that Heal (or not) after Divorce

Joining the ranks of the newly single after nearly 3 decades is definitely a culture shock.  Not only do you have to start over, but you also have to learn to be single again. Of course this means different things to different

Playing the Role of Victim in Divorce

Many people go through divorce playing the role of the victim and are oblivious to their part in the end of the marriage. Casting oneself as the victim in this drama is putting the blame onto their spouse.  Blaming their spouse for

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