For those of you who have been dealing with a difficult breakup this year it will have taken its toll. Emotional stress from the rollercoaster of negative emotions combined with the new practical challenges that come with being newly single can be
We live in a highly disposable culture these days where if we don’t like something we change it. In many cases we don’t think long and hard about it or even try to make it work out – we just swap it
How can I get over this heartbreak and recover from divorce and/or separation? This is the question TDM put forward to Divorce Coach, Sara Davison. According to Sara, when a relationship is over, you do go through a lot of very different and
TwoFour Broadcast, the award-winning TV company behind programmes such as Educating Yorkshire, This Time Next Year and The Jump are working on a new TV series and are looking for people to take part. The new show will explore past relationships, giving you
There is a new trend after divorce when getting remarried, which is each person keeps their own home. Some divorced folks whose subsequent marriages are in their second decade or so, claim living apart is their secret to marital satisfaction. Keep in
Your behaviour in divorce has an impact on its outcome. Attempting to score points with verbal sparring against your opponent (spouse) may temporarily feel like a victory. In reality, it raises legal fees and prolongs proceedings. Trading insults with each other distracts
Here are a few quotes for you in whatever stage you are in your divorce process. Just at the beginning, in the middle of the separation or divorce process or maybe it’s all done and your are at that stage of learning
What really stops me right in my tracks is the unspoken word or thought that women get divorced and men seem to be the cause of it. Well that’s not the whole truth, and nothing but the truth will ever make divorce
Moving home is an exciting yet challenging time for many people. The prospect of moving, for some, opens new doors to new career and life opportunities but moving all your items to the new home isn’t so much. While many tend to hire
During or after divorce – there are obstacles which make chasing a dream or pursuing a goal challenging. Sometimes barriers to success are more in our minds than in actuality. People are stressed out and often do not think a situation through,
I found myself Googling, “Should I stay for the kids.” I begged God to tell me what to do. I cried daily as I walked around my perfect house. Six years of marriage counseling, three beautiful boys, no black eyes, no adultery,
I want to ask you something. And I want you to answer honestly. How many times this week have you mentally replayed a fight that you had with your ex? Maybe not an actual fight – maybe you pictured what you would,