What Good is Mediation?

What good is mediation?  This was the question I was recently asked by a client. John[1] had separated from his wife, Jane, with whom he had three children, and divorce proceedings had started.  John wanted to know how mediation would help him and


How to End a Marriage?

Joan bishop has been a family mediator for the past 15 years. She herself is from a fractured family, a process she still recalls vividly to this day, when she had to give evidence at her parents divorce at the age of

Family Mediation – Divorce Solicitor

When a person is going through a divorce and separation, he/she has a range of needs: emotional needs for support to manage the change and trauma, legal advice about his/her legal rights and mediation to come to an agreement about child care


Divorce Mediation vs Family Court

We often hear that Mediation is “better for the children” – but when it comes to making the decision divorce mediation vs family court many people are unsure which way to turn. Suzy Miller interviewed Divorce Mediators John Stebbing and Wendy Still of Stephen