Psychoanalysis is a term that is often used to describe a type of intensive individual psychotherapy that draws upon a specialist knowledge base involving the field of unconscious mental life as first defined by Freud. Psychoanalytic psychotherapists generally accept that the unconscious
As it’s reported that the chairman of Laura Ashley and his estranged wife Pauline Chai have spent a total of £5m in lawyers’ bills during their divorce settlement dispute – Zoe Bloom, a family consultant solicitor at Keystone Law takes a look
Introduction At a time when the legal aid cuts are beginning to bite and the Government is trying to free up Court time by requiring Applicants to consider alternative dispute resolution as an alternative to proceedings (e.g. Mediation Information Assessment Meetings or
London courts are increasingly getting a reputation for being more generous when it comes to divorce payouts. This is creating something of a North/South divide when it comes to divorce, as more and more wives seek to have their cases settled in
I was prompted to write this brief article after reading an interesting piece by Sue Atkins on how to help your children deal with boy band One Direction splitting up. Whilst I care little for One Direction’s decision to separate, it did
You couldn’t make it up, it is an often used prefix to a spellbinding yarn – The Bishop, The Banker and the Divorce. This applies to some of the many divorce cases that have been in the headlines over the last 12 months.
It is extraordinary that English divorce law has discouraged independence and autonomy for as long as it has. Individuals remain unable to set the agenda for their financial lives pursuant to separation. For example, they cannot: enter arrangements which set out their
In my previous article, I wrote about divorced fathers and their children. I put across some really important research that helps you know and understand just how vital your presence, as a father is, in your child’s life now and way into
What is parental responsibility? Parental responsibility defines the legal rights and responsibilities you have as a parent. It is defined by law as “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation
It was a pleasure to attend the ‘’New Year…. …New family dispute resolution’’ evening at Farrer & Co in early January focusing on the growing client interest in non-court family dispute resolution for 2015, particularly the findings of the briefing paper ‘Mapping
Should more mediators be paying attention to family arbitration? It has after all been shown to quite effective in the US and Canada and is known to be able to rescue a mediated divorce from crumbling into a nasty expensive court battle. My interest
“Well it’s the same as being married” was a phrase I heard over and over again but which eventually proved to be a lie. For ten years, my husband and I lived with our three children as an unmarried couple and