How to Make Sure your Marriage Fails

The reasoning behind divorces ranges from the unique and shocking to the textbook irritation of spouses. The latter is very much commonplace in married life and can often result in the demise of holy matrimony. Although the divorce rate in the UK


What is a Non-molestation Order?

Non-molestation orders – designed to protect victims of domestic violence from being abused and to stop the abuser from being violent towards the victims – help victims to deal with difficult ex-partners and people they are still in a relationship with. Those who


The Commonality of Divorce

What are the common factors of divorce? There are many things that bind us all together in this dysfunctional social escapade called divorce, many of which would consume way too much ink and paper for this publication. It varies from ethnicity, family,


Divorce Quotes – Coping with Divorce

Here are some quotes that we hope will help you in coping with divorce. One that we haven’t included but remains a favourite with us here at TDM is from the incredible and formidable Maya Angelou: “Nothing works unless you do” When

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