If you’re currently going through a divorce, you’re not alone. The entire population of the UK and the rest of the EU are going through the same thing. With a divorce bill and even divorce papers, Brexit is often talked about in
Did you know that getting divorced, separating finances and making arrangements for children are actually separate legal processes? If not, then you’ll want to know how it all fits together and which steps to take when. The team over at MyLegalAdviser has
When it comes to fathers and divorce situations, there seems to be two common narratives. One is the “feckless father” who disappears and leaves the unfortunate mother to manage as best as she can without any support (financial or otherwise from the
A call for more concerted action to prevent children in parental disputes being abducted overseas comes as yet more disturbing cases hit the headlines. The stark reality is that around 1, 000 British children are taken abroad by the other parent without
The ministry of justice launched an amended copy of the divorce application form earlier this month to much applause. The form is intended to make it easier for those individuals who wish to get divorced without involving a solicitor and has been
In 2006 the House of Lords introduced the equal sharing principle in the joint appeal of Miller -v- Miller; MacFarlane -v- MacFarlane. The Court described marriage as being a “partnership of equals”. The consequence of this has been that the sharing principle
In March 2017, a divorce case hit the national headlines because the courts refused to grant a divorce to a wife because the husband’s behaviour wasn’t deemed ‘unreasonable’ enough to grant a divorce petition. This decision has left a wife trapped in
Divorce and family law is an area in which men are consistently faced with stereotypical views, and these all too often affect the outcome of family and divorce disputes. When it comes to divorce and family law, where do men truly stand?
The Solicitors Journal recently reported that lawyers are seeing ‘far more acrimonious’ allegations (of) unreasonable behaviour …. since the Court of Appeal decision in Owens v Owens’ which involved the denial, by judges, to grant a divorce to Mrs Owen’s following her
Some spouses may want to have a judge decide their fate and choose litigation. Others may disagree on issues and do not want to negotiate with each other. Or a judge receiving paperwork may have some questions and concerns, requiring one hearing
In April 22nd, 2014 a change was made in Family Law to have a couple attend a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM) to see if mediation is a viable option for them as a divorce process and as a possible way
When it comes to the law and personal relationships, the UK is a curious mixture of the progressive and the archaic. On the one hand, the law recognises same-sex unions, on the other the process of ending a marriage through divorce seems