Prenuptial Agreements: The Tabloids vs Reality

‘Judges say they will ignore pre-nups unless couple are rich,’ reads a recent tabloid headline, before stating that the majority of spouses who sign prenuptial agreements are wasting their time, since only the very wealthy can expect their wishes to be honoured.

How to Pick a Good Divorce Lawyer?

Recently, a couple of mums and a dad at my daughter’s school separately asked if they could speak with me in confidence. All three are going through divorce and are in the first stages of the divorce process. All three needed to

Family Mediation – A Case Study

A dispute between a couple who divorced five years ago but where there have been ongoing difficulties between them Frankie and Johnny were married for five years during which time they had two children, John and Jane who are now aged 10

Choosing your Divorce Lawyer or Family Mediator

There are several ways of finding the right solicitor or mediator for your divorce. If you know someone in any area of the legal field, ask them whom they would personally select. Another way is to query people that you value in