Children Deal with Divorce Differently

We all know and understand that each child is different and how he or she handles divorce will be unique to them.  Yet we are also probably aware that the reaction that they have will also depend on their age or developmental stage.

Divorce – Children Need Fathers

As a new year begins, many of us will be looking at the year ahead as a time of change. For many parents across the UK, this may also be a time of anxiety and stress; sadly, many family breakups tend to

Co-Parenting Tips for a Healthy Relationship

One of the biggest fears for parents going through separation is the impact it will have on their children. The decision to separate is not usually made quickly or easily and the process of ending a relationship is difficult.  This is an

For the Toxic Parents

Do you find yourself doing any of the following?  If so then you are most likely the toxic parent in the shared parenting relationship and will need to change things. Try and make your children choose between your ex and you? Withhold

Parental Alienation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

If you have ever wondered what the effects are on fathers who lose contact with their children after divorce or separation then listen to this 15 min recording of Louis De Bernieres’ conversation with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on the one-to-one show on BBC radio 4 –

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