I came across this wonderful piece by Linda Gottlieb while browsing the internet. I was so touched by it because I know a few of my own friends who are still living through this period of parental alienation. They long for the
What is Parental Alienation? Let me tell you a story about someone I know personally. He is a good dad, separated from his wife but sees his son as often as possible or when mum permits it. His son, let’s call him
Another one of Dr Phil’s videos here and this one is about parental alienation and you as the parent. It’s short but gets to the point. What is the gift that you are giving your children today? Strong powerful words from Dr
Grandparents are increasingly appreciated for the vital role they are able to play in the raising and support of their grandchildren. As the number of single-parent families increases grandparents are often called upon to help with finances, childcare and perhaps even provide
According to Wikipedia: Parental alienation is a social dynamic when a child expresses unjustified hatred or unreasonably strong dislike of one parent, making access by the rejected parent difficult or impossible. These feelings may be influenced by negative comments by the other parent or
Successful Co-Parenting from a Child’s perspective. Love this video because sometimes it helps more to hear it from the children directly and it truly helps to really listen to what they are telling you. Hope it makes your divorce journey easier in
This is Adolf’s Story. Once again, I (Soila) am in touch with a desperate father, whose children have been taken away from him. If you’re the alienating parent, I would be so very interested in understanding why you have chosen this for
How This Father and Son Who Reunited on Oprah’s Lifeclass Are Building a New Relationship on the Fatherless Children series. Watch and listen to what Brandy did. Would you do the same? Aveion Cason is a former NFL running back who spent nine seasons
Parental polarization is when children are strongly attached to one parent and have a poor relationship with the other one. This is not about a baby clinging to his mother before spending time with his father. Polarization is when children truly balk
How did you come up with the idea? What was the trigger? I always make up stories and rhymes with and for the children, which they love. The trigger was the attitude I sometimes faced from other parents when collecting the children
The Divorce Magazine speaks with Collaborative Lawyer and Family Mediator Austin Chessell about divorce, children and family mediation process. If you’re wondering how to get to divorced and are not sure what might work for you, then listen to this interview on
Dreading your first holiday alone with the kids? Travelling as a single parent doesn’t have to be a chore! Holidaying on your own with your children can be difficult and lonely, especially the first time around. The last thing you need after