I have been working with children and families for over 12 years now specialising in the area of trauma, loss and bereavement and what I have found is that, what has happened is important, but what is even more crucial is how
As a person who works with parents going through divorce, the tough part is seeing how a parent’s anger and need for vengeance takes precedence over her children’s wellbeing or his child’s welfare. There will never, ever be a time in a
Raising children together within the realms of a marriage or relationship can be tough to say the least. Each parent’s own personal upbringing will have formed their own set of beliefs and enabled them to decide how they wish to raise their
Small gestures make a big difference to children with helping them adjust to divorce. The overwhelming response from kids of divorce was routines make life more enjoyable. Their world is drastically changing and now they are dealing with loss. Divorce itself changes
I was prompted to write this brief article after reading an interesting piece by Sue Atkins on how to help your children deal with boy band One Direction splitting up. Whilst I care little for One Direction’s decision to separate, it did
There is little else more difficult than providing a caring environment for your children while going through the divorce process yourself. It’s easy from time to time to slip and behave in a way that is hurtful to them at that
Around 500 British children were abducted and taken abroad by one of their parents in 2014. That’s double the number taken ten years ago. Ease of travel and a growth in cross border relationships have meant that that more break-ups result in
It is maddening, not to mention illegal when one parent prevents the other one from seeing their children. Studies indicate that children do better academically and with their behaviour when both parents are in the picture. The key is to remedy this
It may be tempting to keep your children away from your ex when you are angry with her, or he is behind with child support. Are your thwarting time with the other parent for the children’s sake, or for yours? Be clear
Runaway mother Rebecca Minnock plagued the news last week after she went into hiding with her son, Ethan, following a judge’s ruling that the child should live with his father. Rebecca finally handed herself in on 12 June after admitting that she
I have been wondering what to write now that father’s day is soon upon us here in the UK – a tricky time for divorced parents. I wanted to write something that kindly said, “Helping children cope with divorce means giving them the
There are loads of things children of divorce need and don’t need when going through divorce but I’ll name just three of the main ones in this post. If parents are able to follow just these three then it’s very likely that all