Mastering the Skill of Small Talk Post Divorce

Divorce brings changes which could be finding a different job or needing to acquire a new set of friends. Small talk is the vehicle to establishing connections with others in one’s post-divorce world. It can be challenging to make small talk. Individuals

Dating for the Introvert

Going on dates can be intimidating for the introvert. It is easier to stay at home and watch romantic films than go meet potential dating partners. Fear can stop people. Fear of getting tongue tied or sounding stupid can keep individuals from

Retroactive Jealousy During Divorce And Beyond

Retroactive jealousy can lead to divorce. This  can be a red flag that something  in the relationship is wrong.  It also can indicate that a partner has control issues or has their own problem of handling jealousy. Retroactive jalousie  also happens post-divorce

Keeping Divorce Out Of School

Here are tips for parents, and divorce professionals to help keep divorce out of the schools. Children bringing their parents’ divorce drama into the classroom is disrupting. It wastes teaching time and can cause other students to lose focus on their lessons.

When is it time to Divorce?

Deciding whether or not to divorce is a difficult decision to make. Think carefully before uttering the phrase, “I want a divorce.” Once those words are out of your mouth – you cannot call them back. That statement will affect the rest

Dealing with an Aggressive Co-parent

It is a challenge to co-parent with an aggressive person post-divorce. They may have difficulties letting go when they are not on duty. They attempt to parent from afar, thus complicating your life. Prevention is the way to go if still in

Going through Divorce in Court

Some spouses may want to have a judge decide their fate and choose litigation. Others may disagree on issues and do not want to negotiate with each other. Or a judge receiving paperwork may have some questions and concerns, requiring one hearing

How to Start the Divorce Process

In April 22nd, 2014 a change was made in Family Law to have a couple attend a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM) to see if mediation is a viable option for them as a divorce process and as a possible way