Divorce can be a horrific event to experience or can be the greatest life teacher. While no one I interviewed enjoyed it, many stated that they gained such wisdom from it. As with other transitions, divorce can be a catalyst for a
Many people expressed surprise that once divorced, the relationships with exes were anything but over. They felt waltzing out of the court room or solicitor’s office meant freedom and a totally new life. Post-divorce experiences with former spouses depend upon many factors,
Natalie is a nurse and her husband Jack is a physician who co-owned the medical practice together. Jack was self-centered when they married, but was really a Narcissist coming out of the closet a bit down the road. His belittling and tearing
It can be overwhelming taking your first vacation with your children post-divorce, when you book for one of those single parent holidays such as cruises for kids. You may have had special places that you journeyed to as a family or you
If we live our lives motivated by anger and hatred, even our physical health deteriorates. The Dalai Lama It is natural to be angry at what comes up during the divorce process, but the trick is not dwelling in this place
Divorce is a unique life transition where one has the challenge of making decisions about what possessions to keep and what to let go of. This is an emotionally charged time, so the secret is to calm your mind with meditation, relaxation
Webster’s dictionary defines gift as “something voluntarily transferred from one person to another without compensation.” This means an item is given freely without strings attached. Abe and his younger brother had limited visitations with their father with no overnights. Due to previous
It may be tempting to jump into a new serious relationship while on the rebound. Instead, stop and take stock of yourself. Are you truly recovered from your divorce or do you fear loneliness? It is important to differentiate between being alone and
Before jumping back into the dating pool post-divorce, get a clear sense of self. Knowing your values and who you are is paramount for personal growth. It does not make sense to get to know another individual if one is confused about
When one is caught up in the turmoil of the moment, it is difficult to fathom that situations will get easier down the road. Time really does heal or lessens the divorce trauma now being faced. So many people expressed the same
Transitions between parents can be challenging, especially for younger children. They start to feel settled and then it is time to move back again to the other parent’s place. One’s attitude sets the tone for these exchanges. If you cannot manage to
One would think family members would be supportive during divorce, but that is not always the case. There are a myriad of reasons for this with one being not wanting to take sides. My mother would often hang up on me when