Being Friends with your Ex – Is it Possible?

Often after a breakup there’s considerable hurt and disappointment to process as well as the many practical considerations that require attention. Some people say they feel a failure; they never envisaged that their relationship would end in divorce. They may feel partly

The Best Way to Get Back On Your Feet After Divorce

How do some people manage to bounce back after their divorce? One reason may be that they have had time to get used to the idea, they perhaps even instigated proceedings, knew where they would be going, what they would be doing

Unhealthy Relationships. Are you in One?

There are often many factors that influence why we start a relationship and with whom and some of those factors can be quite complex, maybe to do with reasons other than love and attraction. Equally there can be many more reasons why

Say What you Mean and Say It Well

Sometimes it can be tempting to second-guess how others and especially our partner will react to a given situation. This mindset can escalate if we have begun to feel uneasy about saying how we’re feeling or become apprehensive at voicing our requests.

Divorced Dads and Absent Fathers – Part II

Click here for Part I of Susan’s article on Divorced Dads and Absent Fathers.  Deciding to tell the children together enables the children to see their parents being respectful, behaving in a fair and reasonable way, trying to stay civil and manage

Divorced Dads and Absent Fathers – Part I

These days we find that many children are being raised in single parent households or in households where the father figure is not their birth parent. No matter how sensitive and understanding the step father may be, it can still be difficult

The Importance of Grandparents

Grandparents are increasingly appreciated for the vital role they are able to play in the raising and support of their grandchildren. As the number of single-parent families increases grandparents are often called upon to help with finances, childcare and perhaps even provide