
What is ‘Resolution Together’?

Resolution Together is a new way for separating couples, and for parents who are in dispute about the care of their child, to obtain advice from a single legal professional. This new way of working follows the implementation of the Divorce Dissolution

Wedding Season: Do I Need a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?

It’s that time of year when the wedding season is in full swing. Whilst many brides and grooms do, understandably, focus on the main event itself being the big day, an ever-increasing number of couples are also considering the sensible question of


Divorce and Separation Checklist

Since the changes to divorce law (in England and Wales) on 6th April 2022, it is now relatively straight forward for individuals to obtain a divorce on-line. The welcome changes have helped parties to navigate the divorce process in a more simplified

Who Gets the Pets in a Divorce?

Is it always difficult for the parties and their family when going through divorce or separation, but what happens to the family pets?  This is a growing issue given that since the start of the pandemic many households in the UK have