Being Stepmom – Recapturing Christmas Magic

This is the time of year with plenty of gatherings for friends and family that create opportunities for fun and frivolity.  A time to celebrate, share, give and receive. It’s joyous and magical. But for some, it shines a spot light on

Stepfamilies – How to Deal with Daddy Guilt

Creating boundaries is important for self care…indeed, often times, your survival. Figuring out what you can control and what you can’t, and then basing our decisions and actions on that is a critical component of creating boundaries.  Let’s be honest, we’d like

Getting to Know your Stepchild

In my last article, Stepparenting from the step-child’s perspective, I  shared a perspective on the loss and grief of a child going through their parent’s divorce and what those behaviours look like.   An important piece to keep in mind about the grief cycle