
How to Get a Date in 28 Days (Part 4) – Practical Magic: A Guide to Attraction and Dating

attraction and dating
Moving on after divorce or separation
Shelley Whitehead
Relationship Coach

This is the 4th part in our series on How to Get a Date in 28 Days.

In this interview Shelley Whitehead, certified life and relationship coach, talks about – Practical Magic: A guide to attraction and dating

You can listen to the previous interviews here:

Here’s some of what Shelley had to say in this interview on attraction and dating.

The dating world is a training ground for learning more about yourself.

If you’re coming out of a long term relationship, dating is foreign to you and there’s nothing better to get you on your way than getting out there and dating!

I encourage multi-dating.  This provides you with options and means that you are actively involved in the dating world.  This is one of the finest ways to increase your confidence, to learn about yourself and to learn how to handle men in a very authentic and vulnerable way.  Where you love your life.

When you are out there dating and multi-dating, remain honest and genuine that, that is what you are doing.

Let them know that you are out there having fun, looking to identify your ideal partner and you’re enjoying doing it!  This attitude to dating and life makes you even more attractive.

Here’s a great tip ladies on attraction and dating:

When you are out there, meeting someone new, when you ask questions be interested in the answers, be interested in his life.  Be complimentary about what is great about what he does.

Show interest and avoid talking about yourself all the time.  It can be quite off putting.  This is something you would like for yourself so do it for them too.

A woman who is working with high values, has boundaries.  She respects herself, she respects her time and she needs to put this across.

Listen, learn and enjoy the rest of this illuminating and helpful interview where Shelley talks about how and where to meet single men

Shelley is a Relationship Coach to Women ready to embrace a Second Chance at Finding Love. She works with individuals and groups of Divorced & Bereaved women, and those who have been disappointed in love – shelleyjwhitehead.com

photo credit: romantic evening via photopin (license)

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