About Family Mediation

family mediation
Direct Consultation with Children in Family Mediation

about family mediationAbout family mediation

Family mediation is a process that enables separating couples to negotiate face-to-face about the arrangements for their future with the help of a qualified, skilled and experienced third party.

Family mediation is confidential, voluntary and impartial. All of the decisions made during family mediation are made by the couple themselves.

It provides families with a structured and safe way of resolving their differences at their own pace, with guidance from a trained professional and encourages them to focus on the needs of children and to take into account everything that individual family members believe to be important.

Family mediation can be used effectively by separating couples and families of all types, including cohabiting or same-sex couples.

About the Family Mediators Association (FMA)

The Family Mediators Association is a membership organisation for family mediators. Formed in 1988, it currently represents almost 400 trained family mediators in England and Wales.

Its members are professional family mediators trained to a high standard from a wide range of different backgrounds, including family counsellors, lawyers, financial specialists and experts in child development. www.thefma.co.uk


For more information on Family Mediation, how it works and how it can help you while going through divorce and the divorce process visit – thedivorcemagazine.co.uk/family+mediation

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